S Punjab education dept focuses on transgender empowerment

This initiative aims to equip them with the necessary skills for employment opportunities in the modern era

March 02, 2024
S Punjab education dept focuses on transgender empowerment


South Punjab School Education Department ( S E D ) S e c r e t a r y D r Obaidullah Khokhar has emphasised the importance of transgender education in fostering skill development and empowering the community economically and socially.

During his visit to G o v e r n m e n t G i r l s Comprehensive Higher S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l Gulgasht, he highlighted the ongoing efforts of the SED to enhance the quality of education and technical training for transgender individuals. Speaking to the media, Dr Khokhar mentioned that transgender students have been provided with training in various fields such as tailoring, industrial tailoring, beauty parlour skills, marketing, and computer courses through collaboration with UNESCO.

This initiative aims to equip them with the necessary skills for employment opportunities in the modern era. He further stated that over the past six months, transgender students have acquired diverse skills and proudly showcased their handmade items during the exhibition.

The event served as a platform to promote acceptance and appreciation of their efforts among the public. D r K h o k h a r c o m - mended the Principal of Government Girls Comprehensive Higher Secondary School, Zareen Akhtar, for her support in facilitating transgender education. APP


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