Hold Israel accountable

Israel must rescind from its position and the least it could do is to vacate the occupied lands

February 24, 2024


Time for Israel to be held accountable for genocide and gross violation of International Law. That position was reiterated by Pakistan as it categorically called for a Two-State solution in the Mideast. Islamabad made it clear that it stands with the Palestinians’ freedom and their right to self-determination, and that the illegal occupation of territories in Gaza, East and West Bank, including Jerusalem, must come to an end. This narration echoed at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearing, wherein the jury was seized with a petition to decide on Israeli crimes against humanity and continued occupation. More than 50 states are there with their input, and this has attracted wide interest in the wake of a recent ruling by the world court ordering Israel to comply as it is found complicit in acts of genocide.

South Africa sits at the pinnacle of leadership and courage as it moved the ICJ against the Zionist state, and was aptly seconded by Malaysia. Pakistan pushed the envelope ahead as its Law Minister Ahmed Irfan Aslam took no qualms in saying that the Jewish entity must stand retribution for its inhumane acts over the period of decades, and that its barbarism in Gaza since October 7 has come at the altar of UN writ and world public opinion. Israel also stands in violation of the ICJ order last month, wherein it was asked to take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance in Gaza Strip. But that too has fallen on deaf ears of Zions, as is the case with a plethora of binding Security Council resolutions since 1948.

Israel must rescind from its position and the least it could do is to vacate the occupied lands, and go back to the pre-1967 position. Ceasing fire in Gaza and immediately joining the world chorus for establishing an independent Palestinian state is indispensable. Likewise, the canons of justice and humanity demand that all those at the helm of affairs in Israel who perpetuated these crimes must stand retribution. The trial of Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic is a precedent to go ahead.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 24th, 2024.

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