Passenger repulses attack on coach

Man sustains injuries in assault

Mehdi Hussain December 31, 2023


A man was injured in yet another terrorist attack on a passenger coach in Hangu district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa on Saturday but the terrorists were forced to flee when a passenger opened fire on them with his handgun.

Police told The Express Tribune that terrorists had ambushed a Parachinar-bound coach and fired at its tyres, forcing it to stop.

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“The vehicle was hit and a man was injured but when they tried to come close, a passenger opened fire on them with his pistol, thus saving the day. Otherwise, it would have been yet another bloodbath,” said a police official. “The terrorists fled in panic but several people have been arrested on suspicion and they are being interrogated,” he said.

It may be recalled that, on December 26, two people had been killed and another four had sustained serious injuries when unidentified miscreants had opened fire on a passenger coach in Hangu.

In a separate incident, a police constable was gunned down in Dera Ismail Khan in what appeared to be a case of terrorism.


Published in The Express Tribune, December 31st, 2023


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