Cricket: New Zealand commercial irks PCB

Commercial portrays Pakistan players as match-fixers and while New Zealand win matches, Pakistan take home the cash.

Express September 04, 2011
Cricket: New Zealand commercial irks PCB


The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is irked by a New Zealand beverage company’s commercial in which their player Daryl Tuffey has reportedly labelled Pakistan cricketers as ‘match-fixers’.

The advertisement campaign has prompted a reply from the PCB officials, who are yet to view the commercial.

“We ‘ve gone through reports about the commercial which suggest it’s offensive towards Pakistan players, which is condemnable but we’ll decide over any action only after looking at it,” a PCB official told The Express Tribune.

The commercial portrays Pakistan players as match-fixers and while New Zealand win matches, Pakistan take home the cash.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 5th,  2011.


Ali | 12 years ago | Reply

There should be an official apology to the Pakistani people for what they said!

Pardesi Insaan | 12 years ago | Reply

If it irks PCB than they should not allow such practices. The reaction of PCB has been disgraceful towards the three players done for corruption. Ejaz Butt and co-hort should have sued these players for breaking their contracts and disgracing the country. Instead PCB reacted by blaming every one else other than themselves. And if PCB wishes to come clean than please open the books of PCB and let the nation see how has he and his friends have spent the money.

Ejaz Butt and his geriatrics friends should retire and go home THEY WILL DO A FAVOR TO CRICKET AND THE NATION.

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