Who are you fearing: Mishi Khan urges celebrities to break their silence over Gaza

Pakistani actor calls on influencers to speak up for humanity amidst ongoing genocide

Entertainment Desk November 11, 2023

In a heartfelt and emotionally charged video posted on her Instagram, Pakistani film actress Mishi Khan addressed a growing concern that has been tugging at her conscience. With passion in her eyes and a trembling voice, she took to social media to deliver a powerful message that shook the hearts of her followers.

Mishi began her video with a plea, speaking directly to her fellow celebrities, especially those with millions of followers on their social media channels. She didn't mince words as she questioned their deafening silence in the face of the tragic events unfolding in Gaza.

With a fierce determination to be the voice of the voiceless, Mishi questioned, "Who are you fearing, dear celebrities? Who are you protecting by staying silent? There is no room for vanity when thousands of innocent children have been mercilessly taken away from us. The rubble of destroyed homes now buries their dreams and aspirations."

She passionately continued, "You walk around like nothing is happening, as if the bloodshed and suffering don't exist. But let me tell you, silence in the face of injustice is a crime against humanity. On the Day of Judgment, you will be asked why you chose to be silent during this genocide."

Mishi's plea was not just a passionate outcry; it was a call to action. She reminded her fellow celebrities that they had a unique and powerful platform. "You are not just entertainers; you are influencers. Your followers look up to you; they trust your voice and your opinions. You have a responsibility."

The ongoing tragedy in Gaza, where countless innocent lives have been lost, begged for empathy, compassion, and action. Mishi asked her fellow celebrities to break their silence, to use their reach, and to advocate for the voiceless victims in Gaza.

In a world that seems increasingly divided, Mishi's impassioned plea is a reminder that celebrities, with their power to influence and educate, have the ability to unite people for the greater good. Here's hoping her words stir the hearts of those who remain silent as tragedy unfolds.

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