Children’s mass murder

IDF has killed over 5,500 children in past month, about four times the death toll in Hamas’s Oct 7 attack, two 9/11s

November 10, 2023


Israeli security forces have killed over 5,500 children in the past month, about four times the Israeli death toll in Hamas’s October 7 attack, and almost two 9/11s. It is the equivalent of more than one APS attack every day since the Israeli ‘response’ began, and the number doesn’t account for children who have or will die because of starvation and other hardships caused by the blockade.

Award-winning Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, who has previously called for “lifting the criminal siege on the Gaza Strip” described the scenes in Gaza in graphic detail for a column in Haaretz, a widely respected, progressive Israeli newspaper. Levy wrote of bags full of dead infants and their dismembered bodies lining the roads, and slammed the double standard of condemning Hamas violence while remaining mute on the actions of the Israeli military.

Israeli cabinet ministers are openly calling for mass deportation of Gazans — which meets the definition of ethnic cleansing — and those are just the ‘sane’ voices. At least three ministers and dozens of other elected leaders have explicitly called for genocide with no pushback. “You must not be shocked at the carnage in Gaza, not even of children about whose innocence and lack of guilt there can be no debate; protesting their killing is full-on treason. They are Gazan children, and in Israel they are un-children, just like their parents are un-human; our children were killed more cruelly,” Levy wrote.

The slogan “Never Again” has been widely used by Jewish groups and anti-genocide campaigners to warn against allowing the violence of the Holocaust to occur again. But if Israelis had to walk through Gaza, like Germans did in Nazi death camps to help clean up the disgusting handiwork of their soldiers, they would see the flattened buildings and streets lined with dead children. Would they shed a tear? Would they have any guilt? Would they say ‘never again’ and demand punishment for Netanyahu and others committing war crimes in their name? Or would they stay silent?

Published in The Express Tribune, November 10th, 2023.

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