I feel I could've been a big 'star': Anoushey Ashraf on fame, marriage, moral policing

VJ held a Q&A on Instagram

Entertainment Desk September 19, 2023
I feel I could've been a big 'star': Anoushey Ashraf on fame, marriage, moral policing

Famed VJ Anoushey Ashraf recently held a questions-and-answers session on her Instagram Story, wherein her fans sent in queries and musings pertaining to the star. However, there were also those who simply wanted to unburden their heavy minds, and Anoushey's Instagram Stories served as an outlet for the same.

When asked about whether she'd be seen in films soon, Anoushey said, "No sir, not as of yet...But follow me on Instagram...You'll find stories better than films sometimes! Also, love the horror genre if anyone's looking for an actor." However, when asked about why she doesn't do Pakistani dramas, the renowned personality gave a surprising reply while subtly making an announcement.

"That's a really good question because sometimes I feel I could've been a big big 'star' in this country since dramas are huge but I haven't seen one drama that's inspired me," said Anoushey. "The stories, even though sweet, seem so redundant. Pretty girls, mostly fair. Boys who're equally pretty falling in love and then something happens in between. I mean come on, man. There are already so many good actors there but not many good hosts also, so there was a vacuum there. Lastly, I will be acting a bit soon. I have zero expertise/experience at it so wish me luck!"

Anoushey also bravely spoke up against the stigma of women being unmarried. When informed by a 34-year-old about being single and "friend zoned" whilst surrounded by married folks, Anoushey said, "I'm 40 and unmarried. So? If you have faith in Allah you will know that He has destined what's best for you. If you change your perception, maybe you're a lot better off than a bunch of married people, who're tired of their lives."

She continued to share, "As much as you love your married friends...Meet new single people...Join a cycling club, an art class, retreats etc...Get out of your comfort zone and trust that when the time is right, you too will find the one! Meanwhile, no time to waste wondering why you're friendzoned. Also, stop being overtly nice and accommodating. You don't want to be the guy girls unknowingly take advantage of."

When asked about whether or not she'd been in therapy, the VJ replied, "You have to find the 'right' person to be your therapist and that can be a bit of an exhausting experience. I did benefit from therapy a few years ago until I felt the conversations were getting redundant. Your therapist must have the ability to gauge what and who truly needs to work on/with. I do think it's essential to unload and understand yourself better by talking it out to a professional though, you will benefit."

Strangely enough, someone sent in a question about whether sleeveless, transparent clothes should be banned. "I don't think the government needs to moral police my personal choices. At all. Why must we 'ban' anything that doesn't personally reflect our values? As long as it isn't harmful to another human being or to one's self, one should give humans the space to be and figure out their own path in life. I've travelled the world enough to know that dressing aside, and perversion is a very internal issue. No one's so morally low that the length of another's skirt can make them squirm in their pants. And if that's the case, you've morally regressed to being the lowest level of human conscience," slammed the star.

Anoushey was also questioned about whether she'd be leaving Pakistan. "No, not yet," she replied. "But I must admit that the mediocrity of many people in this nation like the one in the previous message about 'clothes' makes me understand the level of intellect we're carrying with us. It's still about clothes, what you're eating, why aren't you married, are you Muslim...When you listen to these questions they're like the saddest levels of human conversations and growth. And I don't want to stunt my ability to grow so maybe being in a better environment is imperative to keep my sanity going. Here for now, and will always be in and out anyway!"

"What could be more sad than living in a country with 230 million cowards? Absolute disgrace," read another question. To this, Anoushey said, "Wouldn't call us cowards but we're certainly exhausted. We've given up, basically. We've been robbed of hope, freedom and bread. And we're badly organised. No one has a real plan. I don't either. I wish I was made with more steel. My nerves can't handle this fight. But God made certain men and women for this purpose and they're doing their duty to stand up against this system. They've found their purpose and they're lucky, trust me. They'll do great things. I know our hearts are with them. There will come a time when we shall get our chance."

She also shared the meaning of her name, when told that a fan wanted to name their daughter after her. "Anoushey is Persian, by the way...It means 'happy-go-lucky' May all our children be happy and lucky always!" she responded. Another fan told her that their girlfriend liked Anoushey because the fan was "obsessed" with the celebrated VJ. "If she's so cool then she is the one for you and I'm not anyway. Celebs look cool from afar but soulmates and their connections are better than anything in the world. And also, we can do a meeting with both of you soon I hope! Keep being my fan, I love it!" stated Anoushey as a response.

Finally, when asked if she was fine with strangers watching her social media, Anoushey said she'd left everything up to God. "I believe social media is a great tool to keep connected with your followers. [Evil eye] is always there, what's private and not needed for public consumption is a skill one needs to develop. You have to be a bit smart with what you update/when/how...And then the rest is up to God. He takes care of us."

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