Women motorcyclists take the helm

Two-wheelers provide cost-effective, time-saving commuting

APP September 04, 2023


Like other cities in the country, Sargodha has also witnessed a growing trend of women embracing motorcycle driving.

Students, teachers, and working women, looking to overcome the high fares of rickshaws and taxis, have started using motorcycles as a means of transportation.

Female scooter users have found it to be not only cost-effective but also a swift mode of commuting to educational institutions and workplaces.

Speaking on Sunday, Myra, employed at a private bank, shared her experience, saying, "Ever since I started using a scooter to reach my workplace, I no longer depend on others. It's affordable and offers quick mobility, and I would recommend it to every girl."

Another scooter driver, Bushra Gulzar, who works at a college, insisted that the choice had nothing to do with feminism, liberalism or women's empowerment. She said, "We are ordinary working women who leave their homes to support our families. Riding a scooter has spared me the wait at bus stops during rain and scorching heat."

Parents are also encouraging their daughters to learn scooter riding so they can independently reach their workplaces and educational institutions without relying on others.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 4th, 2023.


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