Population crisis

Urgency of addressing Pakistan’s population explosion therefore cannot be overstated

July 21, 2023


Pakistan finds itself at a crossroads. While new avenues such as leasing land for corporate farming to enhance agricultural output and address food security concerns are being explored, experts sound a cautionary note. They emphasise that without concurrent efforts to control population growth, any short-term gains will be overshadowed by the negative effects of the burgeoning population.

The urgency of addressing Pakistan’s population explosion therefore cannot be overstated. With each passing day, the strain on essential resources intensifies, putting immense pressure on vital sectors such as agriculture, education, employment and the environment. Stakeholders must be aware that sustainable progress hinges on a comprehensive approach to population control. To combat the issue, focus should shift towards expanding access to family planning clinics, ensuring widespread availability of contraceptives and raising awareness about the benefits of family planning. Population control should be an integral part of the public discourse, with political and religious leaders taking an active role in advocating informed decision-making and supporting policies that prioritise effective family planning. Equally important is challenging and dispelling social stigmas that often surround discussions of family planning and reproductive health. It is crucial to highlight that family planning is not a taboo topic, but a fundamental right that empowers individuals to make choices about their reproductive health and overall well-being.

The upcoming National Conference on Population presents a vital opportunity for policymakers, civil society and other stakeholders to come together and address the population challenge head-on. The conference must serve as a platform for constructive dialogue that can lead to the development of a comprehensive roadmap for population control in Pakistan. It is incumbent upon the government to demonstrate unwavering commitment to this issue by translating recommendations into tangible action.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 21st, 2023.

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