Systemic failure and the collapse of ANDSF

SIGAR Report identifies eight intertwined ‘Systemic Factors’ responsible for ANDSF’s collapse

Inam Ul Haque June 15, 2023
The writer is a retired major general and has an interest in International Relations and Political Sociology. He can be reached at and tweets @20_Inam


We continue to explore the reasons behind the collapse of Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF) in August 2022, as dilated in February 2023 report by SIGAR (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction), a US government entity.

The US war in Afghanistan was the longest conflict that ‘spanned four presidents (two Republicans, two Democrats), 10 ambassadors, seven State and eight Secretaries of Defense, 12 Combined Security Transition Command — Afghanistan (CSTC-A) commanders, eight US Central Command (CENTCOM) commanders and 18 US/Coalition (ISAF/Resolute Support) commanders.’ Such consistent turnovers over two decades created political expediencies and resulted in ‘politically driven timelines on critical security sector tasks’.

SIGAR Report identifies eight intertwined ‘Systemic Factors’ responsible for ANDSF’s collapse. These include US/Coalition’s unrealistic time allocation and expectations for raising ANDSF; division of responsibility among different countries affecting synergy; poor quality of trainers and advisers; lack of interagency oversight and assessment criterion; corruption in Afghan government and military under US/NATO watch; inconsistency in the US training, logistics and weapons procurement policies; ethnically imbalanced recruitment policies by Tajik/Northern Alliance-dominated ANDSF leadership during initial years excluding majority Pashtuns; and failure to develop an effective police force (ANP) to complement the ANDSF.

First, time scaling ANDSF. The US/NATO never allowed the time required for building Afghanistan’s Security Sector due to political expediencies and tendency by military (USMIL)/trainers to ‘show’ progress by resorting to quick fixes. The US/NATO had credit-taking propensities, disregarding cultural sensitivities and were indifferent to the ‘relative’ illiteracy among Afghans. They were keener to hand over security to ANDSF as per arbitrary calendar-based timelines in order to get out of Afghanistan, due to unpopularity of Afghanistan mission and domestic politics. These and other factors worked in unison.

America faced a dilemma — either to ‘show progress’ under overwhelming political pressure, by focusing on short-term achievements and accelerate raising and training; or take the time needed to work through Afghan state and society to ensure sustainable development of ANDSF institutions and infrastructure. They mostly resorted to short-term achievements resorting to arbitrary and mostly unrealistic timelines, ignoring complexity of the task. Raising an Army/Police from scratch, following models alien to Afghanistan, was a generational process for which the US did not have or wanted to have the needed patience, resources and willingness. Throwing money at the problem only aggravated it.

The US domestic compulsions ‘turned the 20-year reconstruction into ten 2-year efforts’, where the USMIL never resolved the paradox of ‘imminent departure’ or ‘permanent presence’. This led to a ‘counterproductive cycle: Short-term goals generated short timelines, which created new problems, which were then addressed by more short-term goals.’ And when that approach failed, the US ‘resorted to the ultimate quick fix: the immediate withdrawal of all troops. Even Gen Mattis, Commander CENTCOM (2010-2013) and later Secretary Defense (2017-2018) wondered about the “lack of political clarity” regarding military presence, funding certainty and the ‘ends, ways, and means.’

American planning was always with one foot out of the door. Immediately after occupying Afghanistan, long-term reconstruction was never a priority. Bush Administration abhorred nation-building. Emphasis was on ‘basic food, medicine, and education programs’. Focus remained on a ‘limited counterterrorism mission’. So, Afghanistan was to have a small, light infantry force, rapidly deployable for maintaining internal peace. It was to comprise one central army corps with limited combat power to secure October 2004 presidential elections and enable the US withdrawal from Afghanistan by end 2004. The Corps was to be reliant upon the US/international forces for air support and other advanced capabilities.

This initial construct came under revision in 2006, forced by a resurgent Taliban, Karzai’s weak and corrupt central government and the increasingly disorganised international reconstruction effort. Despite spike in funding, between 2002 and 2005, the focus remained on short-term gains and shortcuts ignoring capacity building within the Afghan government. Overly optimistic ANDSF milestones resulted in ‘misguided and unrealistic timelines’. For example, CSTC-A Campaign Plan (2006) expected ANDSF to assume security responsibility by 2009, in just three years, assuming to have built and developed ministerial institutional capabilities, and having raised and developed field forces. It was unrealistic tasking flowing from incorrect assessments. Foreign forces were to begin withdrawing as early as 2006, completing pull-out between 2011 and 2012.

Then came Obama era 2009 Afghan War Strategic Review, resulting in an 18-month counterinsurgency effort and military-civilian surge. Obama claimed having consulted Secretary of Defense, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, and field commanders for this. However, General Petraeus, the then Commander CENTCOM, denied such consultations. President Obama continued his emphasis on condensed withdrawal timeline, bringing it even closer by two years to summer 2011. Later in 2010, however, he was compelled by worsening security situation to push the withdrawal deadline to 2014 (beginning 2011).

This specific exit timeline ushered an urgency to stabilise Afghanistan, defeat the resurgent Taliban, and transition security to ANDSF. USMIL was caught between speedy raising (and training) of ANDSF and an impending withdrawal. Rosy assessments about ANDSF capabilities meanwhile continued. General Joseph Dunford informed US Senate Armed Services Committee in April 2013 that Afghan security forces were ‘leading 80 percent conventional operations having secured over 87 percent Afghan population.’ In March 2014, he confessed before the same committee that Afghan security would deteriorate as soon as coalition troops withdrew, and that pace of such deterioration only was arguable.

By 2015, foreign advisers were retained at ANDSF Corps and above levels. Lower formations and units had no dedicated advisers they had grown dependent upon. Degradation in consequent combat performance forced USMIL to attend to immediate combat needs, rather than ANDSF sustainment and professionalisation. This, in turn, deepened ANDSF reliance on foreign forces. Acknowledging deteriorating security conditions, President Obama was forced to change timelines two more times, first to end 2015 and then to end 2016. He finally deferred withdrawal decision to the incoming Trump Administration.

Under Trump Administration, the US, implemented a new South Asia Strategy, negotiated an exit deal with the Taliban (2020) and left. Trump had made Afghanistan withdrawal a pledge during 2016 election campaign, calling the war ‘a complete waste’, Although in 2017 his national security team briefly prevailed on him allowing a modest troops’ increase to support ANDSF.

Despite wowing to link withdrawal to conditions on ground and not calendar, President Trump acted differently. Doha Agreement in 2020 sealed the calendar, committing the US to pull out all troops and contractors by June 2014 (within 14 months).

Published in The Express Tribune, June 15th, 2023.

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M. Farooq | 1 year ago | Reply A critical narration of various factors leading to systemic failure and collapse of ANDSF that I enjoyed reading
Saleem Akhtar Malik | 1 year ago | Reply In the latest in his series of articles about the withdrawal of the US-led Coalition forces from Afghanistan General Inam Ul Haque further dilates on the causes that led to the collapse of ANDSF. We find that as the initial romance of the Coalition commanders was replaced by harsh ground realities their strategic goals underwent a series of fine-tuning measures. American filmmaker author and left-wing activist Michael Moore s views on what happened to the United States after September 11 and how George Bush Junior s administration allegedly used the tragic event to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was depicted in the 2004 Hollywood movie Fahrenheit 9 11 . Surprisingly George Bush Junior though he was ridiculed by the Democrats had entered the war with more realistic goals. General Inam rightly points out that Bush Administration abhorred nation-building. emphasis was on basic food medicine and education programs. the focus remained on a limited counterterrorism mission . So Afghanistan was to have a small light infantry force rapidly deployable for maintaining internal peace. It was to comprise one central army corps with limited combat power to secure the October 2004 presidential elections and enable the US withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of 2004. The Corps was to be reliant upon the US international forces for air support and other advanced capabilities The US withdrawal got delayed due to the Obama era 2009 Afghan War Strategic Review resulting in an 18-month counterinsurgency effort and military-civilian surge. Finally under Trump Administration the US implemented a new South Asia Strategy negotiated an exit deal with the Taliban 2020 and left. Trump had made Afghanistan withdrawal a pledge during the 2016 election campaign calling the war a complete waste Although in 2017 his national security team briefly prevailed on him allowing a modest troops increase to support ANDSF. Why did the US civil and military decision-makers take so long to disengage from a useless war in Afghanistan even as they did the same mistake in Vietnam almost half a century ago We will try to answer this question by taking a leaf from across the Durand Line. The Honorable British East India Company as the John Company preferred to be addressed did not enter Hindustan to rule it. It was prevailed upon to do so by the Mughals. The Taj Mahal was commissioned in 1632 by Shah Jahan and was largely completed by 1643. By rough estimates it cost 32 million rupees. The annual revenue during Shah Jahan s reign was estimated between 18 and 30 million rupees. The building of the Taj Mahal depleted the Mughal treasury. Financial bankruptcy was one of the major reasons for the collapse of the Mughal rule in India. To meet the expenses of his government Shah Jhan leased out Bengal Behar and Orrisa to the British East India Company even as Ishaque Dar has leased out Pakistan s motorways airports and other strategic assets to the IMF and ADB. The reign of Shah Jahan marked the beginning of the financial bankruptcy of the Mughals. The revolts the wars in the Deccan followed Aurangzeb s long military campaigns against the Marathas putting an extra burden on the resources of the Empire. Finally the licentious lifestyles of the later Mughals the breakdown of the administration and the loot of the Sikhs Marathas Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali broke the backbone of the financial system of the Mughal Empire. When these native centrifugal forces were repeatedly plundering Delhi the East India Company conquered subjugated and brought under its control vast tracts of South Asia. The British East India Company was initially reluctant to rule India but with time the erstwhile shopkeepers learned the art of statecraft. John Company helped Ranjit Singh its strategic ally through the Treaty of Amritsar to raise a modern and formidable Sikh army. It did the same to develop Nizam of Haiderabad s army another of their strategic allies against Tipu Sultan. The British rule in India took almost one hundred years to consolidate. Had it not been for WWII they would still be ruling us. Indirectly they still are Nehru felt proud of claiming that he was the last Englishman in India. Why are the Americans always in a hurry to enter a foreign land and equally in a hurry to exit Why these lengthy reports and lamentations after the withdrawal What is behind America s heartburn and that of India its strategic ally The First Kashmir War left Pakistan holding not only the mountain barrier separating the Valley from the plains of West Punjab but also in possession of Gilgit Baltistan A huge plug that blocks India s expansion into Afghanistan and thence into Central Asia. Later the Sino-Indian border war effectively quarantined Tibet from India. While keeping in view Pakistan s grievances one should not be oblivious to America s and India s frustrations. In the 21st Century huge iron copper and natural gas deposits have been discovered in Afghanistan not to mention the enormous gas reserves in Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. America and India can have access to these natural deposits but this giant plug is controlled by Pakistan and watched by China. The World is slowly transitioning from fossil fuels to lithium-powered vehicles. Again huge lithium reserves have been found in Afghanistan and elsewhere in Central Asia. The US needs India as its poodle to lay its hands on these lithium reserves. A very informative and in-depth analysis by General Inam ul Haque.
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