ISPR’s posture

This must settle the dust of parochialism and propaganda

April 27, 2023


The presser from the Army’s media wing on Monday has set things in their even position. At his maiden press interaction, Director General ISPR, Maj Gen Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry was loud and clear as he reiterated that the armed forces had a ‘constitutional and non-political’ relationship with the government, and there is no need to paint the interaction with political colours. Likewise, he cleared the mist of partisanship by saying that the Pakistan Army is a ‘national army’ and respects all shades of political opinion. Instantly, his submission that “using army for a particular political or religious cause could lead to chaos” had won hearts of millions, and such a categorical stance could not have come at a more opportune moment. The deep-rooted polarisation in the country has unnecessarily led to finger-pointing at the army, and sections of society were ripe with theories of bias and nepotism in state affairs. This must settle the dust of parochialism and propaganda.

The ISPR guru took no qualms in raising issues that were swirling in the media for quite some time, and made clear as to what the army has to say in terms of holding elections, deployment of forces, the ongoing crackdown on social media and, last but not least, the role of veterans in political milieu. By saying that the government under Article 245 can summon the army for civil aid, he laid to rest the ongoing controversy in terms of deployment at polls. Similarly, the debriefing on crackdown against disgruntled and fake media accounts, political posturing by retired servicemen and the security situation on both eastern and western flanks, rested the case in unanimity that the military is alive and kicking in discharging its duties.

What made the press talk soothing was the qualified synopsis that the military is apolitical, and is duty-bound to abide by the constitution. Its reiteration that it represents the entire mosaic of Pakistan, and is ready to cooperate with all in exterminating terrorism is laudable. Let this spirit of a valued national institution be upheld.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 27th, 2023.

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