Protest lodged with Afghanistan over cross-border attacks

Afghan Charge d' Affairs summoned to the Foreign Ministry, protest recorded.

August 28, 2011
Protest lodged with Afghanistan over cross-border attacks

Pakistan on Saturday lodged a formal protest with the Afghan government over cross-border attacks emanating from Kunar and Nuristan against seven Pakistani check posts in Chitral earlier on Saturday in which 25 security forces personnel were killed.

The Afghan Charge d’Affairs was called in at the Foreign Ministry and protest on the attacks and was conveyed with the imperative of establishing peace and tranquillity in the border region and effectively dealing with terrorists, a foreign office statement issued here on Saturday said.

The statement said that it was Pakistan’s expectation that ISAF and the Afghan National Army would take effective measures to prevent such incursions by militants from safe havens from across the border in Kunar and Nuristan and to enhance border security, the statement added.

Earlier in the day, an ISPR statement said that 25 security forces had been killed, including 16 frontier scouts, four policemen and five Levies, when almost 300 terrorists attacked seven security posts in Chitral.

Army said that security forces had managed to kill 20 attackers. Two of the posts under attack were completely overrun.

Army said that terrorists evicted from Swat and Dir were regrouping and rearming in Nuristan and Kunar, bolstering their ranks with local Afghans.


Dr Priyanka | 12 years ago | Reply

@Cheema: What a philosophy? Unfortunately for you that is not the truth. We would like a strong and economically prosperous Afghanistan. Sorry! but that is the truth. It hurts to see Afghanistan in such a state and then to be blamed for it is even bad. I hope and expect the Afghans atleast to believe us!

Observer | 12 years ago | Reply

@Maria: I am sorry Pakistani sacrifices are not counted around the world because Pakistanis themselves place very low value on their lives internally. People are killed randomly or for ideological reasons, murder cases are not solved, where prosecution is possible, Pakistanis protest for ideological or political reasons.

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