Critical water shortage

Pakistan is among the most water-stressed countries in the world, with rapidly declining water availability per capita

March 27, 2023


Pakistan is facing a severe water crisis that is putting millions of lives at risk. The latest UN report ‘Global Water Security 2023 Assessment’ places Pakistan in the critically water-insecure category, indicating that the country is facing a water emergency that requires immediate attention. The report highlights the alarming fact that Pakistan is among the most water-stressed countries in the world, with rapidly declining water availability per capita.

It is a cause for great concern that Pakistan’s water resources are under severe stress due to climate change, rapid population growth and mismanagement of water resources. The country is already facing water scarcity, and the situation is feared to worsen in the coming years. Pakistan’s water availability per capita has decreased by more than 80% in the last 70 years, and the country is now facing a looming water crisis. A general realisation must prevail that this is not just an environmental issue but also a social and economic one. The lack of access to clean water is affecting people’s health, education and livelihoods. Women and children in rural areas are most affected, as they have to travel long distances to fetch water, which takes up their time and affects their education and employment opportunities. Pakistan needs to take immediate action to address the water crisis. The government needs to prioritise water management and invest in water infrastructure. There is a need to increase water storage capacity, improve irrigation systems and promote water conservation practices. The government should also take measures to reduce water pollution, which is a major cause of waterborne diseases.

The water crisis in Pakistan is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach. The government, civil society and the private sector need to work together to ensure that Pakistan has sufficient water resources to meet the needs of its people.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 27th , 2023.

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