Vanishing forests

Recent disasters such as the 2022 floods also exacerbate the situation, creating a vicious cycle

March 22, 2023


Forests are generally considered the lungs of the earth as they help decrease carbon dioxide, sequester carbon, and cleanse the air we breathe. Moreover, they play an important part in overall biodiversity of the region by promoting organic growth and providing a natural habitat for living creatures. They also help protect from watershed and soil erosion, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change.

This makes forests an extremely vital asset for a country like Pakistan that is extremely vulnerable to climate change and adverse weather conditions. Despite the need and dependence on forests, unregulated deforestation, lack of afforestation and negative climate consequences such as frequent droughts have caused forests to disappear at an alarming rate. Recent disasters such as the 2022 floods also exacerbate the situation, creating a vicious cycle. WWF has claimed that the rate of deforestation is second highest in South Asia and significant action must be taken to increase the country’s forest cover. Many civil society organisations in collaboration with provincial governments have successfully conducted replantation programmes but the rate of deforestation remains far too high. Instead, what is necessary is that government regulates the cutting down of trees and conduct a nation-wide afforestation project. Many mafias continue to operate unabated and destroy precious natural habitat and force people off their lands. Such practices must be regulated if not banned. Accountability must be introduced by increasing tax on cutting down trees. Moreover, a strict cap on the number of trees cut down annually must be imposed.

Ideally, such a project can be carried out by the forest and wildlife departments of each province in collaboration with climate change departments. It is yet again recommended that instead of small and sporadic initiatives, a holistic and concerted response is necessary.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 22nd, 2023.

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