Lawyers set to elect new representatives

Polling booths set up for polling; women lawyers will perform duties of polling agents for their favorite candidates

Our Correspondent February 25, 2023


Lawayers in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi will elect their new representatives during elections for high court bar associations.

The annual election of the Lahore High Court Bar Association Rawalpindi chapter will be held on Saturday (today) with various lawyers’ wings supporting their respective candidates.

According to sources, all the preparations for the poling have been completed and some six thousand lawyers are set to cast their vote. They said the polling will begin at 8am and will continue till 4pm.

Fifteen polling booths have been set up for polling where women lawyers will perform the duties of polling agents for their favorite candidates.

The annual election of Islamabad High Court Bar Association for the year 2023-24 will be held today. For the first time, a biometric machine will be used in the election. Three candidates are vying for the slot of president. While two candidates each will contest for the position of secretary and joint secretary.

The election will be held at the Quaid e Azam hall of the court. More than 2,300 lawyers will cast votes biometrically.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 25th, 2023.


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