Student killed by police in Swat

Locals stage protest, demand murder FIR against police officials

Shiraz Khan January 25, 2023
Ubaidullah. photo: express


The death of a local resident inside a police station in Swat triggered widespread protest in the district.

Local residents told The Express Tribune that a local youngster Ubaidullah, a college student, was picked up on suspicion and shifted to Banr police station.

“The student was innocent and reportedly inside the police station he had a heated argument with the policemen following which one of them fired at Ubaid, killing him on the spot,” said a local resident.

He added that after the student was hit all the policemen escaped and he was left to die.

The relatives of the deceased student put the dead body on the road and staged a protest despite the freezing cold.

They said that Ubaid was picked up by district security branch (DSB) personnel who often frisk passersby.

District Police Officer Shafiullah Gandapur said that four policemen have been arrested and put behind bars. An inquiry has been ordered in the case and strict action would be taken against those involved in the brutal murder.

Local residents allege that these DSB men are involved in kidnapping people who are often booked in fake cases.

On Tuesday afternoon the slain student was laid to rest and his funeral prayers were attended by thousands of people, including political leaders.

They demanded a proper inquiry in the case and registration of murder FIR against those responsible.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2023.


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