FBR yet to refund aggrieved citizen's dues

Lawyer says FTO's orders have been largely ignored

Irshad Ansari October 03, 2022


The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is yet to implement the order of Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Muhammad Asif Jah for returning to a senior taxpayer funds that had been recovered through bank account attachment by the Islamabad RTO.

When contacted, tax lawyer Waheed Shahzad Butt told this correspondent that following a lapse of 11 months after the appointment of Dr Jah as FTO, the field formations of FBR treat him as a former tax employee and his orders have been ignored especially when there is an issue of returning taxpayer money in the shape of refunds.

According to Butt, the tax department had neither preferred representation before President Arif Alvi nor did it file any review before FTO Jah.

However, despite the lapse of many months, a refund duly determined has not been credited into the bank account of the citizen.

Strong documentary evidence in the form of comments submitted by Lahore RTO bluntly proves the fact beyond any shadow of doubt that RTO functionaries are involved in fraud/cheating/deception and false statements to disrupt the process of accountability before FTO. Once the matter comes into the knowledge of the FTO, it cannot go unchecked.

The complaint lodged in this regard mentions that the people of Pakistan, especially taxpayer citizens of Pakistan, expect from this forum to enforce the law and the constitutional rights and exercise the powers conferred on it by the legislature, truly, faithfully, honestly, transparently, fairly and in the interest of the country and its people to promote tax culture without any fear or favour.


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