A fatal boat ride for kids, women unable to swim

Crossing 2km Indus convenient for residents as compared to 35km road route

Noor Soomro July 19, 2022


More than 150 participants of a wedding procession going from Machhka to Kharur across the Indus river were travelling in two boats when an accident left several of them drowned on Monday.

One of the boats with about 75 people on board was in the middle of the river when a plank under the passengers broke and water started gushing in, spreading fear especially among women and children, a witness told reporters.

Attempts were made to stop the water but the boat began to sink, causing panic among the passengers.

People from both river banks swam to the spot and reached there on other boats after hearing the noise. However, several people had died before they could be rescued.

Army, Rescue 1122, Machhka and Rahim Yar Khan police reached the spot.

Out of the 37 people confirmed or feared to have drowned, there are 21 women and 11 children.

The distance between Machchka and Kharor Patan, between which the boat was travelling, is about two kilometres and it is a daily routine for the residents of both the settlements to travel between them on boats.

Most of the victims were women and children who could not swim in the river, while most of the other passengers of the sinking boat swam to the bank or were helped by local divers.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 19th, 2022.


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