Team to probe journalist’s murder

They also demanded a shaheed package for the family of the slain journalists

Our Correspondent July 04, 2022


A special investigation team has been formed in the case of slain journalist Iftikhar Ahmad who was gunned down in Shabqadar, Charsadda district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) on Saturday evening.

Iftikhar was laid to rest in Fatima Khel, Shabqadar on Sunday. His funeral was attended journalists and family members.

After the funeral local journalists staged a protest and demanded of the government to provide protection to the journalists as Iftikhar was shot dead in a crowded market place.

They also demanded a shaheed package for the family of the slain journalists and said that those responsible for the heinous crime should be arrested and made example for others.

The protesters walked from Shabqadar Chowk to DSP Office and demanded that government and police should ensure protection of the journalists community.

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Chief Minister Mahmood Khan also condemned the brutal murder of Iftikhar Ahmad and said that those responsible would be brought to justice as soon as possible.


Published in The Express Tribune, July 4th, 2022.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 45s6ns 5o6s54n6s346kp3465sko6pk53s4 5 s4ko35s34n5o3sk4 5435o34ks53po456k34sp 56ko3s4opk6k53s4po53ks45k43s5p3o4k53ps 54s35os34k653s4k5634psok7p 3s 453s45 435o3s4k653s 53so46k53s4po563k4sp5o3ks456po3ks6pok73s4p 5634s 53sk4534sp 53so6k53s4 p56 3s453s4ko53s4o653ks45p34so653s4563sok563sp47k63sp 4645s34o5k3s4653 4s6ok3s453s4 5434534s534s 534p534sk3o653sk534so5k3sop5k3sop65k3sp4o65k3s4po56k3s4o6k3s4p o563j46p 3okj53p 4563456435634534s5634653so56s3k4563s45k3so5p6k34s5p43os5k63s4po6k534sp5knp 35k4p 3543564353sok534s6nk3spno7k3snp 63 s5s3ok53so5634k65o3sp453s45po3k65p3os4k7p 34sko63p 535345o34sk563n6534k5po3k46p7 3s45 453454so3k534spo5k34s5ko345k3spo5634kp7ok34sp 634535oks56356k34sop63ks4p 634534345 34534534534564569r5fn7oks4p6k4p6k5o4pok345po34kj56p 34ko56p 34 s5kjo34 6p3soj4k63s4 563sokj5k3s453s53sk534s534ks53ps453sk6pok3sp 5 343543534543543s56o3k4s5 345345345345345345345p43535456548d5ponk7do645k6po46k4 64kd5opk675o46 456546o5k4654oksp56 546546456465456o45kdosk6p56ok456po4k64pso5 65ok46p sk5 p435345o3k4563s456k3s6p3s 45 s545 345345345345345345 654694sp6okj34op56s3k56p3ok53p 45ok3sp 3s4 53sko534p 65jo3ks4 7nk34sp 6535 4354 3453453658syedmerjhmed3434 b53ns p65l345 p345634 p56l3s4 5p3l45 3pl6 346plk534s 53s5l6k43 564 363sk6s3 46546547lk4d 4545nd4764576454 645 d78d547 dp7ld45p 7ld457p 6l4d 6456lvk 4655555456l4567p45l vp56l46 456l45645645 64645645645p645l 64p57l456 456l456464pdl74 d745654pld fir 6456456456456546k4 sp64lk5654 64565464565464566570firsyedmerjhmeds34543 5s353454353465d5p77 lk45d 5lk76 54d7654dlk76 4d5lkd 764564565467456 7546456546456 45d65d4654966645 p4m5k645d67k4d5 pk kp7547 md45md45kp6l745 765476457654764 5764 576456546 09546467 p4dk57m64d5mpkl 4dk5 m lk7 45765lk4 d764d565464d64d5 64567p54l67 5p48f8 876867g7 pkl7d4p7kl45 7p5k476 45pk6745 77d45k46d456 4654654645654654654l764d564d564565476870d5p7kd4 mp7k5d4p7kl 7 6lkp5756 7l56k756 765 756klp 6 n675 7657 65756f75678657657569063p534 5n34sp3 6l4s3np635ls4 p6k 3 lp4s35 43 543sl5634 535435435 43543543 53s 56435347659 4s6l4 ps3lk56 p3lks56 3s4 6lkp53s4 56k4s3l53 4s53sk5643 53563465436534 5345634 53563668 46kls34nlk6p5lks3n64p4k3nl6534s5 3k4l543 5435435435p34k5 53v3p5k435435435345634 65345fdl7nm4k5 6pk54l65pk46k4d5 67 45p6kl45 syedmerjhmeds6 5464 6456pl456p4dl6464564d64564d6645 6456pl45d 7654lk6 5p46lk4b 6plk546 5464pdl6 565654d6d546546546456 4c6 654645sd64565465464 5645645756565675 dk6p45k6l 4 5p6kl46 456kp4d 64565k6 45dk64d 645dl7k5d hblpk 46454645p645kl64pc564565464 5645p6l546546456456456d 6456546567838456 4p574p7654d67 pl5d4 76p4ld5 po 4kdp 7o4d5kpo6456p456d4o5645kd645d675p4d64pdl5 l45dp 64 5pd6o4d5k64dp57o6k4d6545po6k54 654p6o45654 645o764d5p764p6l74d5 6pl45d 6pl4d 764p5l 74 dp4d6745op7645d7645po6 vpl 65 4654654p6o54k6p54ok645 o65k76op547654po67p45l 7pl4 7d4p7 d45p6 456ok4 67p4567 546o54k64 5k6po 4654 645654674564567859664645645po76k4576p4ok6sp 6ok46p 45ko7645p 6o4k767 64 6456745o6745654 6d654p65464545769s4o6nkpsp3o6k356po3k65po3k56ps3 5kos3p 563ks 563s465ok34563465346534563465345634653843p4o63ks653p4o6k3sp7ok3sp 6ko3p s3456oks345643k534543 5 345353453535 3453453457659syedmerjhmeds6 sp6sk3p65os3k65sp3okn5s34 o56 p3s4o5k6 34s534543653s4534s534s5434534579fir353453454 3p5l3s5pl3s4 3s4 l564s 3 5345345l34564 3534 5lbp3 34654356435345345 34534538d plkp 56lk34 p5kl435 fir 43pkl6 hblpk 34s5k6l3s 56l3ks4s 54lk3s 53453456435 345634543554 65467575 3p465l plk43p5lk34s 56pkl3s5 p3sk4l5 3s 45s345s4k3l5 4s35l34s563s4534 53453c5334543 5435435 4354543543534543543579syedmerjhmed6345634 563456345643653456345345345340
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