Lapid to become new prime minister as Israel heads to election

Israeli lawmakers will vote to dissolve parliament, opening way for country's fifth election in three years

Reuters June 20, 2022
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and foreign minister Yair Lapid attend a cabinet meeting at the Prime minister's office in Jerusalem, Israel, June 19 2022. PHOTO: REUTERS


Israeli lawmakers will vote to dissolve parliament, opening the way for the country's fifth election in three years, following weeks of pressure on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's fragile ruling coalition.

Bennett will step aside to be replaced by Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, his partner in the unlikely coalition of opposites that ended former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's record 12-year rule 12 months ago.

Lapid, a former journalist who heads the largest party in the coalition, will serve as interim prime minister until new elections can be held.

A vote will be held in parliament next week, after which Lapid will take over the premiership, an official said.

"I think the government did very good work over the past year. It's a shame the country has to be dragged into elections," said Defence Minister Benny Gantz, head of a centrist party in the coalition.

"But we will continue to function as a temporary government as much as possible," he said.

Also read: Israel's prime minister receives threatening letter

The move comes just weeks ahead of a planned visit by US President Joe Biden which the government had been counting on to help boost regional security ties against Israel's longtime enemy Iran.

The future of the eight-party coalition, which includes hard right, liberal and Arab parties, had appeared increasingly threatened as a handful of members walked out, leaving it without a clear majority in parliament.

As pressure on the government increased in recent days, Bennett, a former special forces commando and tech millionaire who entered national politics in 2013, said his government had boosted economic growth, cut unemployment and eliminated the deficit for the first time in 14 years.

But he was unable to hold the coalition together and decided to step aside before Netanyahu's right wing Likud party could table a motion of its own to dissolve parliament.

Netanyahu, who has vowed a comeback despite facing trial for corruption, had mocked Bennett, a former close aide, saying last week that his government had been holding "one of the longest funerals in history".


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 55o3563s56 34si65j3s36ij736.345o343454353i5j353s.535 3o5i3453sj534m5kobm5o5km35.35s34o5i3s45s353so4534m5ok35o3p6.4356 4353453si5j3s53sij53s5 .353osi5j34i5345. 3453ioj53i53s53s3so535o35o3m5o3i.5op35ij3535.ij34s5 3o5ij3s6mt34.4sp453 45ij34jb5o34544545433ko53m5ok34m5.43s5345io3j53s563so6ij3s4po73s6p35i43 5o34i5j3s6om3s45 3 45435345i3453s6o3os4k53m45 3 53453s4j53sj5 3o5mokv5. 345o35ji3453 5oij367 3s45o434534j53o4ibm3 s5345345435o34535i3j53 534o5j3o5i35o3ok534m5k345.435j354 3 5345435435345o3m5k35m34 5435o3453j5 353ios53s45m3ok53m5k435. 4 242342o42342j4 23 2oji45234 23i45om2345k23m54 32 423p24o53o5j3 5o3s4i53sj53st5mko43tmo.34 5j3 65op3453454j363s4ij5345.34 543o4534535 o3ib4mo543m5okm4354po435 43543543534o5i3j453454m35okm5vokm34 50p5345345435435435435345345345435437535ibj5o3m4ok53m5okm43534.po5ji3453s 5 34ij534s53s 4o5ktmo4s3km5s5 43543543543543578syedmerjhmed453543n5ko345m3ok4m5.3so346j34op535i43j5356345634o534535435435345345 5735i3o3jo5i4j353posj.67pj43s6os43 53s4o5ijs3o4534sjm3 b5 344o3543535435435435435345345347345i43j5i3ojoi436joi3j4.5o435ij34p543os.534534ji53b35o34i543o54.3543 53543543543534534o543745i6bj4i6sj45oij345.63o56j34oj5i345i3j453os45j4opc3p5543 54354353543534534o534534536734534oij5i43oj5s3oj67.o34s53ji435.o435ij34s5 345jb34.345 4 435o43543543543535345345435346547i5j34o34j3o4ij634o.s543j53s4oi534sj6o3s4.53s4543543543543534 43o5i43j54435 354353464735syedmerjhmed45443 536k3po45kpo3k53p5 353535k435 34pj63 6p7j43s 634j5o35 43j5s34po563sj4k5p3o4jk534po53kjp47k3p465 43543p534o5o435pv54435 3543543543534534534534534p534534783syedmerjhmed34554pok435o33s4p6ok34pkj3p 634s543543oj5k4363j4k5p3453454354354353464585opssp4356ks3p4ok7p 3ksp3 s5345345354353543543 53p534534534j543543534534 5353453475yedmerjhmed34535p3m 53p 635 3pl53 pl53 l345345 34p6534s5634lk634 p6lk34s5 345pl345n3 4pn5l34spn563sl4p5 l3s4 p5l347 syedmerjhmed l34634543543l653l46 5 3454435435pl3s563p 4l6 merj 3463s563s4534 s5634s6534s5 3l456 34l6543 54 3p5l4k35 35l34 6546n646d4467456456p4o67k4645p644sk 6s4p6ko54p76 467464k64d5674d6k4pv6464564566 5v54 4353453454353p5l3sp5 l5p3 6 p3l63 4plk5 35 435345435343242453533s53s456s35ls34p5l3s5p34535 syedmrejhmed c5353453453s 53s53s46534s63553s 46343443345 435435 34543563453478spn6ls3p 63s6 53sl6s3p l63s 6k3s6 3 s4l6 3s6345l34534 54354343 543534534543534543534534543534534534534566845643653s634 on3s53bo53o535o3p4j5i3s5 3s5is3n653s on45 34s5o3si4n5t3jnsi45m3s4o 5m3s4653sn45o3s4k5m34 53453ij4s63s 5 oj3i4 53oi5m5 o3534sij53s4n654sm3 5 3453sin65m3o4im5s3o5m34o5 34i56345npo36 3s4 653j4so5i634smo534 53s5m34 6 34o6j3s 5i3s4n653ok4s5mso3k5ms3 5 3s53s5 3sj53n63osnm6 o3p53543543534 5435435354354354354353s5 3454353453455678syedmerjhmed34on534ok53m4 643sn6k53s4kpo34s5s3 4k653s4p 56353465o3s4k653564s3nk5634s56p3so56p3k4s534snp3oks6p34 n6k 3s 6k3sn 5p s35ks345s3onk653sp5o3ks46n -43pk63s63ps4nk53o53s456ok3sn534ok534p5 34534534543543534543543534534563765s4o6ksp6ks34po6k53s 56pk3453 ps 3435oks345634s653s4p5345353454354354354353453534579535pb3o5k3o5346o53k56p34ok6p 65k43s6p 53sj63p 3 s6743s6s34o5k435k34pv3453453534p53579syedmerjhmed6456464565679s634s563sk45po6k34spok743 sn4p63s453s5s3454s3543p 543543543543534543543534534536798syedmerjhmed64s6nmp6nsnk56s43po56k3p4s65s43k6ns3 4-p34 3435 3-p434543543543543565469
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