One of the most poignant films of Bollywood, Lagaan, clocked in 21 years of its release on Wednesday, June 15. To mark the special occasion, an industry source revealed that the film is soon to be adapted as a West End show in the United Kingdom, as per India Today. However, a final decision has not been made regarding the same by Aamir Khan’s production company.
The evergreen Lagaan: Once Upon A Time in India became the talk of the town after it first released 21 years ago on June 15. From being the third Indian film to be nominated for Oscars to making it to the Academy Awards, the Ashutosh Gowariker directorial venture made history.
“Several leading producers from the UK have requested for the rights from Aamir Khan Productions and a final decision will be made soon regarding the West End Theatre,” the outlet quoted an anonymous source as saying. “Aamir Khan’s team is yet to make a final decision about it. The makers have different plans which include doing a worldwide tour of the show that will feature a completely original cast,” it added.
One of the biggest and most popular theatres worldwide, the West End Theatre is equivalent to The Broadway show.
Set in pre-Independence India, Lagaan revolves around members of a small village, who go up against the British army officers in a game of cricket, which they know nothing about. Their goal is to get the lagan (agricultural tax) repealed. Besides Aamir, the film stars Gracy Singh, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Rajendra Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Rajesh Vivek, Pradeep Rawat and British actors Rachel Shelley and Paul Blackthorne.
On the work front, Aamir Khan will next be seen opposite Kareena Kapoor in Laal Singh Chaddha, an Indian adaptation of the Academy Award-winning 1994 film Forrest Gump, which had Tom Hanks in the lead role.
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