Miftah makes pitch for hike in fuel, power prices

Finance minister vows to take tough decision to avoid Sri Lanka-default

Shahbaz Rana June 11, 2022
Miftah makes pitch for hike in fuel, power prices


 Finance Minister Miftah Ismail on Saturday declared that budget consolidation was his first priority to avoid a Sri Lanka-like default.

This is a clear indication that the coalition government has decided to take tough decisions and face the consequences of a low economic growth and high inflation.

“[High] growth and [low] inflation are our targets, but our first target is fiscal consolidation to move the country away from the point where Imran Khan had left it,” said the finance minister while vowing to take all decisions no matter how difficult to save the country from a looming default.

He said that the government’s second target was to give relief to the poor people and for which we are taking difficult decisions.

In his post-budget news conference, the finance minister spoke about his government’s priorities, but the topics that he picked did not mention areas where the government needed political muscles.

His government could not dare withdraw Rs26.3 billion income tax benefits availed by a handful of investors in the Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) schemes from just two cities. The government also did not withdraw Rs347 million tax benefits availed by the judges and Rs170 million by the bureaucrats.

Also, despite the “difficult” steps that the finance minister mentioned, there still exits gaps in the assessments made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the one by the government side.

And to reach a staff-level agreement on policies and reforms needed to complete the sixth review under the $6 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF), which has been 'in recess' since April, the gaps have to bridged.

“So far, there is nothing on the IMF agreement and we are trying to protect the people earning from Rs100,000 to Rs200,000 a month from tax raise,” said the finance minister while addressing the post-budget conference.

The government’s decision to cut tax rates of the salaried class is against the IMF recipe that wants a significant increase in the tax slab instead. The government has also restored some of the sales tax exemptions that had earlier been withdrawn under the IMF package.

“These issues are expected to create ripples in the IMF camp,” according to sources.

The finance minister admitted that the IMF was not happy about some tax measures.

From the beginning Miftah made the case for taking difficult decisions and said more than once that the country may default if difficult steps were not taken and the losses of the power and gas sectors were not stemmed.

He warned that the country was going through an unprecedented period which, he termed, he never saw in the past 30 years.

“If I do honest accounting, I will also have to book the state-owned enterprises’ losses in the budget,” said the finance minister.

To a question, whether he will also honestly report defence-related expenditures that are in fact nearly Rs2.4 trillion or 25% of the budget, the finance minister replied that all defence-related grants were mentioned in the budget.

He insisted that the budget numbers were realistic and the finance ministry did not underreport the current expenditures figure on account of defence and running of the civilian government. “Even Rs200 billion provisions are made for any additional expenses, including increase in employees’ salaries,” he added.

“Pakistan can no longer afford to give Rs1.1 trillion electricity subsidies and also sustain Rs500 billion losses due to circular debt every year,” said Ismail while making a case for power tariff hike from the next month.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has determined to increase electricity prices by Rs7.90 per unit or 47%, which the government either has to notify within a month or make allocations in the budget to pay subsidies.

In the budget, the government has reduced the quantum of total subsidies by Rs800 billion or 54% to Rs699 billion, which does not leave a room for absorbing the price increase.

The finance minister also said that the losses in the gas sector were Rs400 billion a year and the government was selling gas imported at price tag of $20 at $2 to domestic consumers.

“We cannot afford expenditure for which we do not have the capacity,” said the finance minister while making a case for a rise in electricity and gas prices.

“Difficult decisions have to be taken and will be taken, as there is no other choice but to take tough decisions,” he repeated.

While responding to a question about increase in the petroleum levy from Rs30 to Rs50 per liter in the budget, the finance minister said that he was not taking the money raised through petroleum taxes to his home.

He said subsidising fuel was no longer an option as that would eventually lead to increase in interest rates and inflation.

Minister of State for Finance Dr Aisha Pasha said that the government took measures in the budget to lessen people's burden and contain inflation.

She said that the country was facing a global super commodity price cycle and the government was trying its best to protect people from its impact.

The finance minister also said that in the next fiscal year, the FBR will bring in 2.5 million retailers in the tax net.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 3453U534534J5O34S5J34S 3SJI543S53SI5J4S35OI3SJ5I43S6J.3S543SI5J34S5I3S4J534S534SI64J3S56534SI53534S543OK5K34S6M3SKOM653OKS4M6O3SI53S.O5PI443SJ5I3SJ534OIS5J43SOI6J3OSI653 S56O34SI5J4O3SI54SO353S4O65M3S4OK6M53OS.53O4SJS5IO34S.534S5IJ34S5I34S.534ISJ54S3I53J4S3S5634S5634S56K34S653K4SM5K34M5.3O534S53SI45J3SI5OJ34SIOV.34535O345345345I34J53SI534S5O3S45JOI3S4J534OSI563OS4K65M4OS3K534SKO5M34OSKM53S4.534I5JS45O634S.534S5 3O4SJSI35O34S534S56M3OKS45K34SMO5.34K53M4534O5345I34J53O5I2J5O254 252I5JIO5J43.53I4J6S3IOJ5O5I3SJ53SOM53S.5353 O543I5J34534S6534S5634MK5O35.3 53535 3O45JI3S4J4SJ4S534SJ5O34IJ534I56J34S5O6.34SO5J4S5O34M5O3. 34 5345IJ534IO5J43.5O345IJ345 34O5I34J534I5J345MK4K3MOK34M32.4O343244IJ4BO.32I4J25O325JI25 43O5IJ3I4O5J4334.O54353 533534578FIR345345PO4K35P34K53SP45 34SO5K63S45P3453S45345O34KJ543O54JK35O3 453P45JO345 345P3O4JK53 4S53SO53S453SPO5K3S453O4534T3S45JNKL353 5P34L5K345P43K534 53345435435353P4OK5643S53SP53SK53 P 4543534534534 534SO563453453PVL543 535P5K534P5K4P K34 P634SOK56345K345O3345J435 3534P534J5P345K43P 5K4O35 P34543543543543534 5345345435P43534534534534 53453453P453O5K34P5K34 5P35435345345435 34535345P345345OK345OP34K5 P535OK345O34SK5O4K53O4P534KJ53OS4JK5 3SP 535345345 34PJ53KV5 K4354354354353534534543545464PS46KPOK53P5K34P 5OK35P 345K3 53P5K4O354345345O3J5P34 5345P34534534K534 PPP55 5POK34PO5K3 5POK3S 5634SP 5OK3S45 34SP534OJ5K34O5 3453PJ334535345P3534576575YEDMERJHMED534534SPO53K45OK34SP 53453KO56 P3S453K43P5345435435 4354354353454353453455437SYEDMERJHMED54354 5JO34I43J6IS34J5S345J3S53S.5IJ3S5345J43OI534 535O345JH 34O5I3J45OI3453LS45J3S4.53S4IJ5O3S.53SO5ISJ3.53SO5J3SO534SIJ5.3453SIJ534S5O35 3O4I5J345I345.34S5J34SI534J5O3ISJ53SOI5.S53JI3.I45JI345345 5435345345435O43543J5O343P5435353543.54353565478O4I5JOJ43O534J543O.5435I345345J34HN34O5J345435 3453453.45435634543643543543543685YEDMERJHMED5353543543SS3.345O43S534534S53S453S4IJ5.3453454353435O4353I5J3I4543S6IJ3S4O5JI435O.34SIJ5.34S5PI3J4534.5345JI34534 6345J43OI5J43O.534P543I5 345.354I5J34O5I34J5I3OJ534SOI5J3O.S5IJ3534545VJ54N3 535353534O5345345435435435345435435435345345345647SYEDMERJHMED345 L34543J5L34OS5J43SI5.4J3534P534534I5J34S5O.3535353 5 3534534534534755OJIJOIJ4.3J35O3S5IJ.43SOJI5453 35345H3434534345O43I5J345O43.5435 345345345435345437SYEDMERJHMEDFIR32534O.5J43543S5JS34O5SJ4354355543534534.5345 34O54354353454 3534 755JIO5J4.3O5436J346543O5I3JO5.4S3S34SI563J4S53IO5J34OI.J534 535435345345345345345675YEDMERJHMED34543543L4353.3S3OJ43SIOP435J34 5.435 4O35435435345345345345345O3455678O535JO5IJOJI.34IJ63S4.O65S3IJ4S3J53S4.53O5IJ34 535435435345345345353534534534534534566O35J3OJI34.535IJ34.5OJI3S4.53S45JI3S53S45O3J5KO5MO.353 4543534535O35353453453456754535JI5O53.4534S5S34535J 3S5345435JI4354354I35J43IO5345.43535O345J35I435435345345546745O35IJ5O23IJ4O3.2J4234IJ23B.423OB4I3J2B45O23B4J23B453245N5J453O.543534 53453453455YEDMERJHMED5345345.O3K5345O34JI453.S4534S5J345O43 54354354354354O354353454345435467O34I5JI34O.535J4OOJ4345OJ4I534.5345OI345J345I34J543.5O34I5J345I345.43534535353455435YEDMERJHMEDFIR534O53O535J345.3O5IJ3PO333323J54655475P6 7 P5 K2P4O24KPO34KP45464565L345U3453U54363465546 54756765 7O65765K7658 678687669797800890890753456235234326589
Musawer javed | 2 years ago | Reply Poor Pmln trapped again
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