Senator Rabbani sees ‘ISI screening’ move as ‘ceding of civilian space’

PPP leader says this task would ‘overburden’ spy agency in view of situation at country's eastern, western borders

Our Correspondent June 04, 2022
Senate chairman Raza Rabbani. PHOTO: AFP


Former Senate chairman Senator Raza Rabbani on Saturday said the notification allowing the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to screen civil servants was "surprising" and added that the move amounted to "ceding civilian space".

The reaction came a day after the government provided a legal cover to country’s premier spy agency to screen civil servants before their induction, appointments and postings, as well as promotions.

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Senator, in a statement, said the additional task of screening civil servants would "overburden" the ISI, keeping in view of the situation on the eastern and western borders, Afghanistan, Kashmir, internal terrorism and related issues.

The former senate chairman said the notification indicated a lack of confidence in the civilian apparatus of the state and "also blurs the distinction between the civil and military bureaucracy".

The Constitution as well as the Civil Servants Act, 1973, were comprehensive laws and did not require screening of civil servants, he noted.

"The courts have in some judgements disregarded intelligence reports in such matters. Civil servants are already working under the pressure of the NAB (National Accountability Bureau) law," Rabbani noted.

Another PPP senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar also criticised the government move. “The prime minister is requested to include all the ‘Public Office Holders’ in the proposed notification at once. Why discriminate against politicians? After all, traitors are more common in our ranks!,” he sarcastically remarked in a tweet.

Sources revealed that the decision was taken in a recent federal cabinet meeting but was kept hidden, adding that the ISI had already started working and sought data of government officers and their families from the departments concerned.

Also read: PM tasks ISI to vet govt officers

With the special status and powers, they said, the spy agency would keep an eye on the moral and financial affairs of the government officers and would submit details to the promotion boards, especially the high-powered board and Central Selection Board (CSB).

Previously, they maintained, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) was performing the vetting process and it had now been replaced by the ISI. Earlier, they said, the ISI was tasked with vetting the cases of officials before they were posted abroad, adding that they would now “have more influence over bureaucracy” as every appointment, posting and promotion would go through them.

Some government officers said that the government’s move surprised many as several parties in the coalition government used to oppose the interference of intelligence agencies in government’s affairs before coming to power. However after coming to power, they said, they had done exactly the opposite and, in fact, helped enhancing the spy agency’s control over bureaucracy and government’s affairs.

Some other bureaucrats, however, took the decision lightly as they believe the ISI would do what the IB was previously doing and there won’t be much difference. They said that the government officers had already served while being constantly monitored by NAB, adding that the pressure would be there but this would also become a routine thing after some time.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 64646554dlp65d4 654d6op5dm46po54d6pl54n 64pl d5 654pdl 65d465p4d65d45m65d464d5l654d674dl5654d75d 46p5d4 6 54d76p5d4l6 5m4dl pm64 6464pmd645l674d5l645l654dpl7645 64d5654m6d4o654d764d5l645l64564 56456p45654764d567m4564d5 mm6l456 456 p4d5654m6745dm764l5dm64d5ml64d5 lm65d4m6 4d5mp64d 5ml64d5 m6 45m6 4564p6m645dpl674 5d654654p754m 3lp6 36lp 34s6p34l65 4p645 64564 4p764m56p4d5lm ml76 45d6 D 765d4645d6m45m6p45l7 54pl765 4dm645pdo654764op5d p6ld45m6 D MP45 6m54m645 p7l4 5p6l 45p6 54m d 64p5 645m65m46 4d5m674d 5mp64 56 346 54p356 3s45m 6456p4m645dm 64p5md6o45m6po4dm 5ld 764dm56p45o6dmp674mlp76 4d5plym 4dpl4 d56p4d 56 464564567o45m64l m64dm P 45 m6456p4dm 674lpd6 45l6 45p book P O 5m 5m6l45 654645MD5645645 645m67 45mdpl6 3m m 34m6 p 4 5m654mo645ml64d56 745pdm m5 4mmd76l5pl 45m O45 m645m67456l 3466 565645645p 6 45dp6 74dp5l6 4564p6o 456p4od5674d 64d5646546456457p64564574o5k76p4567k 4564ok 6456 po45mk456 456o456 45l6 45p6 P 74 5d76p54 l6l4p5 645p64 P 456po4 56456 644564564576457645645p6 p456 45 p64o 56456p o4km6 l4d67 4pd5 P O 54 6p456 lp45l6 4p64564645645645 6456p34p6k 3p6 kl446 P 45645645674 d6p45o65p64k56p4 5k6p4 56ok 45 6p45ok 645o64 56l45 6P P 6456 457647p456 4p5l6 54645 6pk45 64p5l645 6456p4 56pl4 6p4564565pml3 46pl36 lp436 p6 P 45m64m64m5645645645pm74m5645pm6456 l45 645m645M M 6456p4564d5m645m64pomk6 4p 5m 6p m6m k4m 64p5km7 DP o6km p4m64lpm6 l45m645 6p45 M O
syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 45353s5s34 53s4l6 34s5S S 5p3s453s4p54s3l653 p4s5l4s3 p5l3s456p 34sl54s3 5pls4353s4l5345s43l5p3s4l543sp5ls34534s534 5p3s4k534534s5l43 653p453 4s5 3s4l5s34534s534s 5p4s35l3s4s p65l3p454353s45435435 4353s46p534 s5k4s353s45l43 5 34ps534s534s 534sl5 43sl534l543p5ls34p5ls3453s4534ps5l3s4 5p4kl5 S S 43k53453s4635653453456l34s5634s534s543 5s3453s463s453s454s35 s4l36s3 4pl6534s56 pl3s45 syedmrejhmed 43spl5s3 4 5pls345 3 s4p5l3s45 l3s453s5p3s4l534s53 S P3s453s4p53l4s543s6l534sp65l3s4p5l3s453s4l5 345pl3s453 34s5l 3s4534s 5 435435345345 3453p5l345pl3453 p5l3s46 34 S 534534534 5435 4353l45 34 54l35 p34l53 4spl534 book 5l4353 4pl534534p534534 54353453p534p5435436534 56 3453535345 34 5p345l43s p5l435 pl345p43l534p 5l34 6pl34s 53 4psl53 45pl34534s P s5l43k534535 p34l534653456345435345345345345345435345 l345 p34l534 p5l345pl34 housebeey 53s4pl53 s45 l3s45 435l345 P kl34534 5345p3454353465 3p4534 543 534534s5345 34543l534 5l435 p34l53 4 p5l3s4 5 45l3 4s534 S P 5435345l35k345 3453543534543533 45p345l3 45p34l53 pl534 s5 pl34s5 boob 34ls534 5 l3454pl3 53 4 5l34534534pl5345345pl34534l5435p3 l4543 P 5l43534534l 5345 34534534534 5p345l435 p43l6 34spl534spl5 345435435435435 34534534534534534543543543543543734s 6536 5s345635 p3ls53s pl5s345p6l3s45 pl3s453s P SL53s45 pl3s4534 S p3453s45345345334 534l6 34sl563s45l3s l3 l54 35l3s45pl345 43 p5l345 43pl543 5p34534s534 5345 3s 45l34s5 3l p43l543p5l43 5pl4435 l34p534543534534543pl5 43p5l43psl543p6 5l34s p5l2p 5l325plp4 l43535pl3456345 34535345435 34p54l3534563sl 55 345 3 45435 345 345345l34 65p3l45spl53 l34543 P5l345435435kl3454 35435345435345345435754d p7456 pld45p 6l4dp6l4d56p d4l654d 6 pdl546 5d 6pld45 64lp64d5 6p56k 46p45l64d56pd546d4p5k6d45p64d 56l4 d456pd54kl65d4p 6kl54d645d 64ok 5435534543 53535354354353345345768 5d6757l 56p7l45p6 4l56 p45l645d 6pl546 file 4d6pl54 645p6l4d5k64D D P6ld45k64564564564dp4ld6p46l456456456kl46456 546546546456 34345345435345435435435 4pl4 pl3545435l43 5p43l5435 book pl34534 53453454357856 7l md5 p7ld54 pl6456 p4l565 file 4dp6l45645 646456 45689645645645pl6 4pl64 6pl46p4l745 dpl64d6p l464pdl74pd l64d 6pl4d64d 6p54ld6p4d64d6 4pk654d6546 p546464654 645 64d5p6l45 6p45d 64pl64d5p 6l4d5 pl64d5 6l45d674d5pl654dp 654l64 dp6kl4 P5464653435 43543543534534543543 543 543543p54353 45l 3pl543 pl53 5pl345 file 34spl6s34 syedmerjhmed 65p3s4l53 spl plk 3s56 34pk534543543534543543534 534sp634s5 3s4pl53s4 p5l43s5p 34l543s 6pl543s 5p3l456345 S book S4p5k345435k3454353534 5 b345345 43543543534534534536546856 pl57 file 65p7l57 p65l7 55894 psl66 ps4l6s4 pl6345pls3 sp45l 4s35pl3s456 43s S S 534535353534535796s4 56p34sl53p s5l34 5pl34s5 4p3sl654s3 53s4 S P 4s3l53453453 453534534534534543s5790466546465d46ko4d5p6ko3kp5435m34534p543o 53463sop64343sp5l43s53sp4l65s345p34s543so65ks435op4k3s5op3s4k534s654posk36534 ps53s45435os345ks35o34s 563ksm5p3s53s453s4p53k4s56po4s3k5p3s45l3s 4pl5 43s5l3s46 53sl45 3s5s353s45o34k563so5k35o3k5353s5o35345m53k5m35353s63s6535353543535p3s5o35k353k46535ok34535k3533o5k3453453mk6ps3563563 5p3456l34sk5p3sok53sp63sk653 s5s35s3ok5s36534km5p3s53s4m53sp6l5345p34s5ok35p 345ok353s45s353453 45o3453s4653sm45p3s5k3ms563p4sl65 3lp4s 53ls45 3s4l6 3ps53ps 535 3453463s45p3563s45km34p5k435s3563l45 345l35P 3535345 kp2k3k5 pok5 35ok 3535 535453453453lp 5k3p3o53kp o5k3 5p3ok45 3s6ok345 3s file o345 34s5pm3k53mtpln43 53453543534535p345so5k3453o453k5po3ks6op53s53s5ok35 35pko35353sos65353k4mspt4m3s5pl35 34pl5 34534 543 435435345345345345345353757946ks4posk3453psok356oks3456 s3k6s35 S 53453534534534534534534534546548syedmerjhmed456546456456456456 4564645 654p64d6p 54d6l45 6p4d6 p4l5d6 553454353534 5435 435l34 54353535 35435353453s53s6543s53s54354353s5s345s34535435353s5k34s534s5 345435353453543 4p6lbook4d p5l4k6 546plk45d6 p 65l5d4 6l45d65d4 6456p4l5d64565464568678 p45l 645l65d464dl5654 d6pl4d564d5pl654 pd6l54dp 654dl6 2p4l file 63pl34 34pk63 6536k53465 44 343453453453465365365567 5dpl 4p67l546 4p6l456 p45dl65d4pld6pld456 54plk645 645pdlk64d56 D P45655464646546456546546456546456456456866456456 54654p 646p 4lp6l456456 4p6456546456456546456456456456456590syedmerjhmed64p6 4564564dp7l4d56 p4l56 4654 4p645645654645645645645645645689 p34l 6pl653 p56l3s56p3l4s 56pl34653 s4p65l3k5 3sp5l6k3s4 563s53sp5k3s4534 535353565789
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