SBC wants president, PM tried for high treason

Lawyers in Sindh go on strike against dissolution of NA

Our Correspondent April 06, 2022
Opposition lawmakers present inside National Assembly hall ahead of the no-trust vote. Screengrab


The lawyer fraternity of Sindh observed a strike on Tuesday to protest against the dissolution of the National Assembly, which according to them is an “unconstitutional” move.

Sindh Bar Council Vice Chairman Zulfiqar Jalbani said that President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan and the law minister should be tried for high treason - the punishment for abrogation of the Constitution.

"Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan should be applied to the president, prime minister, deputy speaker and law minister," Jalnani said at a news conference called to express views over the issue of the ruling by the deputy speaker on the no-confidence motion against the PM.

Jalbani said that the ruling of the NA deputy speaker and the dissolution of the lower house by the president of Pakistan is unconstitutional. “When a no-confidence motion has already been moved, it must be voted on.”

The PM, in view of his defeat, sent an advice to dissolve the assembly. In this regard, “we have filed a petition in the Supreme Court”. “Justice Gulzar Ahmed is being nominated for the post of caretaker prime minister. But Justice Gulzar Ahmed himself should reject the offer because if he accepts it, it will give the impression that he was with the PTI all through his tenure.”

The SBC vice chairman said that lawyers will not take a step back from their stand. “We will resist any unconstitutional act. We expect the Supreme Court to rule in accordance with the Constitution.

Read More: SHC seeks reply from SBCA on construction of portions

“We will be with the bar council on the decision of the Supreme Court. Lawyers will not take any illegal action. We will adopt all the constitutional and legal options and the path of protest.

“Our lawyer Barrister Salahuddin Ahmed will present our case before the Supreme Court. We hope that the Supreme Court will declare the ruling unconstitutional.”

If a lawyer justifies this action, he said, he should produce the evidence.

On the other hand, the Sindh High Court Bar Association passed a resolution against the dissolution of the National Assembly and the ruling of the deputy speaker.

The resolution also expressed reservations over the nomination of former chief justice Gulzar Ahmed as caretaker PM.

The nomination of the chief justice, who retired two months ago, will make the judiciary controversial.

The president took an unconstitutional step by dissolving the assemblies, while the deputy speaker did not have the authority to give the ruling.

The Supreme Court should form a full court bench on the constitutional crisis. The legal community strongly condemns the illegal move.

On the other hand, on the call of strike by the SBC against the actions of the deputy speaker, the court proceedings under Karachi bar were boycotted in the City Court. Lawyers did not appear in the courts in protest. There was less rush than usual in the City Court. Prisoners brought from jail were also sent back without hearing of their cases.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply k5675 6fkpo5k6 pk645pk7p6k456d46md45pm6d46pl56 d456p546ld46d547mpd45k6p54dm64d5m6d5m4pl74 d5m6lp5d4 6 p5d4l 7m56p 54m65od4m6k 4d5mp76m54pdl 645dm6d456m45m6po4d5mk645dm67o4kd56o4d5p6l546 m p3l6 p 4m4dm56o74dmpl45d 64d m564d5m64od5m6 k4dm564d5k645dmp6kd45m6o5d464 dmp6l 4d6p45mdp6546d45645d 7pk4d5m6o4dm56p5m64dmk4d m5ok6pd4564 d6l4d5mp7 4dm5675ml4pd 564d5m6po4dm64d56p456kpk2p 3k6s3m p6ok363s46l 46 p4l4d 4m564m64dmp76okd45m645m64m5dlp64d5 5d64dm6p4dmo74kd5645d7lp4d 7lp6d4 6d5m764dm56pm45o6k4md56p45d6pl4d5 6l65d64md5 M Mo6 k4564567p5kd6p546l4d pl45d 654p 645od6d4k7p456 7456pk4d56pl4d56 54lp6 p4d5m6456p45mdo75d4p674l346 4565464d5645d64d57p54d67k pk4564d56 d54m6okd464dp56l 4d5PD65465464564k5645op76k45 6pk5465m46p 4kmo467p5l 6lm65 4l645 6p 45p6456o45k64d565 d465 D6456456456 k45pok63pomk6pm6k3pok6mpmo45k64p6456k45 d6456p4d56p4d56 d457k64d567yp 4d56p4omk6d4m57 6p4l5d6 ltmy mdp456d45654d6546o45k765d4p6d5pl6d45 64 DP674d56d456 456k4p5p 76k4d5 65dk46d45 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