Court attaches IO’s half salary in anchorperson’s inquiry

For not complying with court’s orders on petition against Gharidah Farooqi, who allegedly hurt sentiments of Muslims

Our Correspondent March 11, 2022


An additional district and sessions judge attached a half month's salary of an Investigation Officer (IO) over not complying with court’s orders on a petition seeking case against anchorperson Gharidah Farooqi allegedly hurt sentiments of Muslims by giving a statement about sacrificial animals on Eidul Azha.

"Perusal of record reveals that the instant petition is pending adjudication in this court since August 6, 2021 and the same is being adjourned for the summoning of comments, the report from the FIA but despite availing a number of opportunities the IO concerned has failed to submit comments which shows that the IO is willfully disobeying the lawful orders of this court. In view of the conduct of the IO, his half month’s salary is attached.

It is again directed to the relevant IO to submit detailed comments by March 18 in person and in case of non-appearance legal action shall be taken against him," the court order stated.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 11th, 2022.


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