Traditional sports festival attracts youth

Girls take part in tug of war held at Rose and Jasmine Garden in Islamabad

Our Correspondent March 07, 2022
Players try to outdo their rivals during last year’s Dwarf Sports Festival held in Nowshera. PHOTO: EXPRESS


A large number of youth thronged the Traditional Sports Festival during the two-day event and enjoyed taking part in the various games at the Rose and Jasmine Garden.

Organised by the Directorate of Sports, Culture and Tourism, the festival brought back memories of old traditional sports for those in attendance.

Metropolitan Corporation of Islamabad (MCI) focal person Dr M Abdullah Tabassum, "This is the first time that such a sports festival has been organised, which is rarely held in rural areas. The festival featured a variety of old games, including tug-of-war, “Pittu Garam” (seven stones), “Kokla Chapaki” (handkerchief drop) and Hopscotch for women.

Sports competitions were held between different schools and colleges of Islamabad. Hopscotch was won by girls of Crescent International School college and the girls’ Tug of War competition was won by Kips College. Meanwhile the boys’ competition was won by the Crescent International School college.

The winning teams were awarded trophies, cash prizes, medals and other prizes.

Sports Culture and Tourism Director Aamir Shehzad said that the purpose of holding the Traditional Sports Festival was to highlight the centuries’ old traditional sports .


Published in The Express Tribune, March 7th, 2022.


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