Actor Imran Abbas, who is known to flaunt his singing skills over on Instagram quite often, finally had his much-awaited in-person fan moment with iconic Indian playback singer Alka Yagnik! Imran shared a video and some pictures with the singer, with the two meeting up in Dubai. Deeming the Bollywood crooner a “dearest friend”, the actor shared a video of the two singing Alka’s famous song Aisa Lagta Hai.
Imran captioned the post, “What else could be more beautiful than having a dearest friend over the dinner , sharing music, talking [our] hearts out and that too at the top of the tallest hotel in the world. Thank you, Alka Yagnik, for coming over and making this evening so memorable!”
After Imran shared a video of himself singing Alka’s song Tu Mere Saamne in May last year, the veteran singer took to the comments section to praise the actor’s singing skills. She wrote, “Bohot acha gaatey hain aap (you sing very well), and what a beautiful drive.”The actor was quick to respond saying, “Thank you so much. And your voice makes my every journey even more beautiful. Musically yours!”
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