Public urged to observe anti-coronavirus SOPs

Smart lockdowns have shown promising results, but certain hotspots have remained negligent of following govt protocol

Aamir Khan February 16, 2022
Policemen patrol a market in Federal B Area during the micro-smart lockdown which was imposed in four towns of the city in January. Photo: file


The federal government, during the height of Covid-19, had put forth the smart-lockdown policy to control the disease’s spread in different areas of the city. Where the strategy appears to have worked in bringing cases down by large, there were still a few hotspots across the city where implementation of the policy hadn’t been as effective, leaving the virus to linger.

Medical experts fear that these very hotspots could generate another viral upsurge unless the isolation strategy is reinforced, and all virus-containment and isolation efforts by the federal government and the National Command and Operation Center are further expanded.

According to Haji Ahmad Raza, who is the trustee of a local welfare organisation working for coronavirus relief, virus cases have certainly started decreasing in the city but this is no time to lower our defences.

Addressing various localities in the city, he said that the government hasn’t entirely lifted all coronavirus-related SOPs, but people in these areas had forfeited necessary protocols like face-masking and social distancing a long time ago, while also never abiding by the smart-lockdown policy.

“Considering the state of Karachi’s economy, we cannot afford a complete closure of business like we experienced in the first wave. So a smart lockdown, as seen by the results, is right now our best chance of getting ahead of the situation. Things are stable right now, but people have now become unafraid of Covid-19, which can lead to dangerous possibilities if the government doesn’t get everyone immunised and boostered before the month of Eid,” he harbingered.

Corroborating Raza’s claims, residents of areas Gulshan E Iqbal and Federal B Area were of the opinion, that they did not experience the enforcement of SOPs, even when their neighbourhoods were under lockdown.

“In theory and practice both, smart lockdown is a great strategy but it was only effectively enforced during the first wave. During later waves, the smart lockdown was only limited to lip service,” said Tanveer, a resident of Gulshan E Iqbal.

Per Pakistan Medical Association General Secretary Professor Dr Qaiser Sajjad, Pakistan has somehow fared better than most countries during this pandemic, in terms of death and recovery from the virus.

“Karachi too is not very far from being a coronavirus-free city at the moment, but the only obstacle here is that the people have not been consistent with following SOPs, and have resorted to callously flouting them after the decline in cases. At the same time, the rate of booster-shot intake and vaccination has also gone down in the city, which is not a good sign at all,” he said adding that a reason for this could be the administration’s lack of enforcement of the smart lockdown strategy in certain areas.

Addressing the situation, Dr Sajjad was keen to remind the public that the pandemic is not quite over yet. In the same vein, he also urged the centre, the provincial government and the NCOC to join hands in formulating an integrated strategy to keep the virus at bay.

“Masks should be made mandatory and effective legislation should be enacted to implement SOPs,” he opined.

Karachi Traders Union Chairperson Atiq Mir, talking about the situation in the city’s bazaars said that a complete lockdown had choked business entirely, so the smart lockdown was a welcomed strategy. “I urge traders and the public to start enforcing SOPs in their markets so that we do not see another jump in cases any time soon,” he expressed.

While on the other hand, Sindh Information Minister Saeed Ghani maintained that the Sindh government has ensured the implementation of all the policies issued by the federal government and NCOC to curb the recent wave of Covid-19.

He further alleged that the smart lockdown was fully implemented in areas that were experiencing a high number of Covid-19 cases.

“During this time, the district administration made every effort to ensure its effective implementation. But I appeal to the people to vaccinate whoever in their family has not been vaccinated. While people who have been vaccinated more than six months ago should immediately get their booster shot. The government is also working on expanding its vaccination efforts in the coming days,” he told The Express Tribune.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 16th, 2022.


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