Bollywood starlet Sara Ali Khan recently irked many after a 'prank' went viral. The actor shared a video in which she can be seen pushing her spot girl into the swimming pool under the guise of taking a picture. As two pose for the camera, we see the Kedarnath starlet throwing Jharu into the pool and later joins the latter in the water.
Sara posted the video when a fan asked the star kid about her best prank. The video was later picked by the Indian media and shared on social media. Touted to be 'funny', the prank backfired and tweeps called out Sara for her 'elitist behaviour.'
Worst part was the never ending giggles that followed and the poor girl was left with no choice but to play along. @SaraAliKhan being a boss literally abused her power. #badoptics
— itweet (@AamnaSarim) February 5, 2022
Wow! She was too scared to jump or do a trust fall herself or whatever it's called. Like She took her sweet time getting into the pool. Most probably coz she knew that it's dangerous
— Siren 🧜🏻♀️ loves REN (@omg_siren) February 5, 2022
Pushing someone is fine 🙂 IF you have a friendly relationship with them though.
She would never dare to do this with his employer. She did it to her bcz she can't retaliate
— Afaq Warraich (@AfaqWarraich15) February 4, 2022
This is so elitist. Treating the have nots as toys. Shameful!
— Raman (@RamanVirdi21) February 4, 2022
How is this a prank and not a harassment? Specifically done by a person in the position of power. So wrong
— Piyu (@PBnrg) February 5, 2022
That's being very mean. It's not a prank. Shame on this woman for pushing the unsuspecting girl in the pool.
— GoldenSunshine🇮🇳 (@GoldenS64447336) February 4, 2022
Agreed! I cringed hard while watching it. It’s disrespectful and totally unacceptable.
— whatevs (@NivMhn) February 4, 2022
That’s not cool at all. Horrible thing to do in the name of fun.
— Aditya Raj Kaul (@AdityaRajKaul) February 4, 2022
Would she dare to this prank with Kareena Kapoor? Nope but she did it with a helper. Class-bias. They way these celebrity thinks everything they do is just so cool is annoying.
— Piyush Sharma (@PiyushS24196569) February 4, 2022
Filmfare is graciously normalising oppression, a rich privileged kid throwing someone into the swimming pool is okay but what if a spot girl does the same.
— Skipper (@Mohsinisticc) February 5, 2022
Harrasing someone just because they are your domestic help And misusing your status is not funny it's cringe
— Nocturnal Soul (@Mirage_gurrl) February 4, 2022
However, one user shared how the prank was funny indeed, if the two had a relationship which would make it okay.
People judging here might not know the kind of relationship they share. She also jumped back in the pool.
— zoker (@zokersmiles) February 4, 2022
Wouldn't be too judgemental unless the spot girl has something to say about it or objects in any way.
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