Live-stream selling boosts goods demand

Pakistani products receive 2.3m views, 12,000 orders during China’s Shopping Festival

January 25, 2022
Photo: Dailylife


Live-stream selling boosted sales of Pakistani goods in the Chinese market and Pakistan could learn from the successful model of e-commerce in China, noted Badaruz Zaman, Commercial Counsellor of Pakistani Embassy in China.

According to China’s leading short-form video platform Kuaishou, live-stream selling of Pakistani products, featured by Zaman during the 2022 Online Lunar Year’s Shopping Festival, received more than 53 million exposure, more than 2.33 million views and more than 12,000 orders.

In the live-stream selling studio, Zaman introduced Pakistani culture and food to the audience online. He also spoke highly of the important role of live-streaming e-commerce in boosting consumption and promoting consumption upgrading in China.

“Smartphone penetration is increasing in Pakistan; there are many users that are getting 4G connections,” he told China Economic Net. However, he added, there are a few e-commerce applications and websites working in Pakistan, so “at least 10 to 15 e-commerce players from China could enter the Pakistani market”.

Zaman recommended Chinese e-commerce companies to set up warehouses and delivery systems in Pakistan.

“Chinese digital payment service companies are also needed,” he said, adding that it would develop a complete ecosystem and Pakistani people could enjoy the convenience of e-commerce.



Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2022.

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