Pakistan-Iran border reopens for pedestrians

Businessmen, students allowed entry into Iran via Taftan border

News Desk October 04, 2021
The new border gateway is expected to lessen the burden on Mirjavah-Taftan crossing point. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

The ban on pedestrian movement from the Pak-Iran Taftan border was lifted on Sunday and Pakistani businessmen, students and truck drivers have been allowed to travel to Iran.

According to sources, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also begun the regular immigration process at the Taftan border, allowing Pakistani citizens to enter Iran.

It is pertinent to mention that due to the increasing number of coronavirus cases, Iranian authorities banned Pakistani nationals from entering Iran on June 29.

However, during this period, the Pak-Iran transit trade was remained continued and the movement of Iranian citizens to Pakistan was also not disrupted.

Only Pakistani nationals were barred from entering Iran but that restriction has now been removed.

However, Pakistani nationals wishing to travel to Iran on pilgrimage or tourism visas are still barred from entering the neighbouring country.


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