Actor Ushna Shah, who often lands in controversies for speaking her mind with her off the cuff humour, has once again become the target of trolls for apparently going overboard with her joke about bringing children on planes.
The actor made it clear that since she is not a mother yet, she cannot fathom why parents travel with children, or to be specific; bring them on flights. In a tweet, which has now become the talk of the town, the Balaa star had written, "Until one becomes a parent, one does not realise why people bring children on flights. I am one, one is I. I do not understand."
Until one becomes a parent, one does not realise why people bring children on flights..
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) September 20, 2021
I am one, one is I.
I do not understand.
But several started calling her out for trivialising the struggles of parents or making a mockery of something that should be normalised. A Twitter user commented, "Ever wondered how you travelled on flights with your parents during your childhood?" One more added, "It’s okay, there is a lot you don’t understand." Another chimed in saying, "Another day another lame statement."
To this, Shah responded, "Another day another insignificant troll without a sense of humour.. or life… or importance. Never mind, [I] just gave you some by replying. Relish in it. Tell your fellow trolls. Make an army. Troll some more. Eat a knife."
Another day another insignificant troll without a sense of humour.. or life… or importance. Nvm just gave you some by replying. Relish in it. Tell your fellow trolls. Make an army. Troll some more. Eat a knife.
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) September 21, 2021
Shah's remark was re-tweeted and shared on other social media handles as well, since netizens felt offended by her 'intolerance'. But to clear the air, Shah has now shared her previous statement and explained why the majority's response to it, is in fact, representative of the intolerance in society.
Taking to the micro-blogging site once again, she wrote, "Anyone who interprets this tweet as an 'opinion' about banning children on planes and not as dry humour on running jokes from all over the world about single people and loud kids on planes is someone who was dropped on their head as a kid... perhaps on a plane. It. Is. A. Joke."
Anyone who interprets this tweet as an “opinion” about banning children on planes and not as dry humour on running jokes from all over the world about single people & loud kids on planes is someone who was dropped on their head as a kid..perhaps on a plane. It. Is. A. Joke š¤¦āļø
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) September 21, 2021
In another tweet she added, "Getting offended is the new black."
Getting offended is the new black
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) September 21, 2021
Well, here's hoping we all can differentiate between a person making a mockery of something to prevent it from happening and a person acknowledging their own lack of understanding of a situation while harmlessly poking fun at it. In the meantime, let's normalise bringing children on planes and be more accepting of the fact that they will make noise.
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