Toddler drowns in pond

A one-and-half-year-old child drowned in a pond outside her home when she was playing around it

APP May 16, 2021


A one-and-half-year-old child drowned in a pond outside her home when she was playing around it, rescuers said.

The daughter of Talib,suddenly moved towards the water pool when she was playing outside the courtyard of her home. She slipped into the pool and drowned.

Her mother started searching for her when she couldn’t find her around for a long time.

She checked the pool after she got suspicious about the pool of water outside of the home.

Her suspicion proved right as she spotted the baby deep inside the pond.

Her condition was critical when she was shifted to Mahmood Kot Basic Health Unit.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 16th, 2021.


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