Actor Gal Gadot honoured Bilkis Bano, the elderly woman who became a mascot of New Delhi's Shaheen Bagh's anti-CAA protests - as a ‘personal Wonder Woman’, someone who motivated her this year. The actor shared a post celebrating women's achievements, including public figures, such as Bilkis and New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern, and also her friends, reported Hindustan Times.
In a now-deleted Instagram Story, Gal had wrongly attributed Bilkis as an ‘82-year-old activist fighting for women’s equality in India’. Bilkis remains a part of a separate post shared by the actor, which she captioned, “Saying farewell to 2020, with all my love to my personal Wonder Women. Some are those closest to me - my family, my friends - some are inspiring women I’ve loved discovering, and some are exceptional women I hope to meet in the future. Together, we can do wonders! Share your own wonder women with me.” The post, however, doesn’t include any description.
Bilkis recently made headlines again after her participation in this year's disputes, when she was named among the 100 Most Influential People of 2020 by Time. In a testimonial written by journalist Rana Ayyub, Bilkis was described as ‘the voice of the marginalised in India, an 82-year-old who would sit at a protest site from 8 am to midnight.’
The report quoted Bilkis as saying, “I will sit here till blood stops flowing in my veins so the children of this country and the world breathe the air of justice and equality.”
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