‘Psoriasis treatment available in country’

Psoriasis may cause lifelong disability, warn doctors

Our Correspondent November 13, 2020
Experts speak at an awareness seminar on psoriasis organised by Express Media Group. PHOTO: EXPRESS


The psoriasis disease not only affects the skin but also the internal organs and a lifelong disability can be caused due to it, medical experts have warned.

These views were expressed by dermatologists at an awareness seminar on psoriasis organised by Express Media Group and Novartis Pharma at a local hotel, hosted by Forum Editor Ajmal Sattar Malik.

In addition to being a hereditary disease, it can be more common in people who consume alcohol, drugs, tobacco and large amount of protein. If the disease is left untreated, it can lead to heart, liver, kidney and joint problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and other complications.

The latest treatment for psoriasis, “phototherapy”, is available in the country, but it needs to be promoted. It is not a contagious disease. Refresher courses for doctors are a need of time.

According to the World Health Organisation’s protocol, early diagnosis of psoriasis, access to a physician and treatment of the patient for psychological problems is essential.

A world-class psoriasis support group should also be set up so that patients can learn from each other’s experience along with counseling from psychologists and learn to live a better life instead of getting frustrated.

This seminar is very important in raising awareness about psoriasis. Such awareness seminars will go a long way in controlling the disease, they added. Addressing the seminar, Prof Dr Ijaz Hussain, Head, Department of Dermatology, Mayo Hospital, Lahore, said that psoriasis is a common disease in the world. It affects 2% of the world’s population, mostly in Northern Europe and the United States. It affects both men and women.

The disease causes red spots on different parts of the body and forms a fish-like white membrane. Nails are affected. The disease also affects the internal system, heart, brain, kidneys and other organs.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 13th, 2020.


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