Singer Umair Jaswal and actor Sana Javed, on Tuesday, took to social media and announced that they have tied the knot in an intimate nikkah ceremony. Following their wedding ceremony, the singer’s brothers Yasir and Uzair Jaswal confirmed the news on social media. The personalities shared a picture of the couple on Instagram, providing a sneak peek into the event.
The newlyweds shared pictures on their Instagram account with the mirrored caption, "Alhamdulillah."
Now, the couple has thanked fans and followers for all the love for the last couple of days.
"Thank you so very much for all the warmth, love, and heartfelt blessings. We are blessed to have so many loved ones around us. Means the world to us. We wish we could thank each and every single one of you individually. Please remember us in your prayers. Lots of love. Thank you and God bless," the posts read.
Family, friends and fans also took to the newlyweds’ Instagram posts and congratulated them on the blessed occasion. We wish the couple a happily married life!
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