Bollywood actors Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar had a tender moment on social media after the trailer of the latter's film, Laxmi Bomb was dropped, reported Hindustan Times. Khan had showered praise on the trailer, deeming it 'superb'. Taking to Twitter, Khan praised Kumar on his performance as a man possessed by the spirit of a transgender person and expressed his excitement to watch the film.
“Dear Akshay Kumar, what a superb trailer, my friend. Can’t wait to see it. This will be huge! Wish it was releasing in the theatres. And your performance is outstanding! Best wishes to everyone,” Khan wrote as he shared the trailer on his Twitter page.
Dear @akshaykumar, what a superb trailer, my friend. Can't wait to see it. This will be huge! Wish it was releasing in the theatres. And your performance is outstanding! Best wishes to everyone. @foxstarhindi @advani_kiara @Shabinaa_Ent
— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) October 15, 2020
Akshay replied that he was ‘touched’ by the support and encouragement. “Dear Aamir Khan, thank you so much for your kind words and supportive encouragement, truly means a lot in these heavy times. So touched my friend. ,” he wrote.
Dear @aamir_khan , thank you so much for your kind words and supportive encouragement, truly means a lot in these heavy times šš» So touched my friend. #MenSupportingMen
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) October 15, 2020
It is scheduled for a direct-to-digital release on Disney+ Hotstar on November 9 but will release in theatres in select overseas markets.
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