Four Indian security men killed in IIOJK

Monday’s total death toll was the third highest in such violence in the occupied valley in the past year

Reuters August 17, 2020
Indian police blocks the main road during the official celebration of India's Independence Day in Srinagar, Occupied Kashmir on August 15, 2020. PHOTO: AA/FILE


Four Indian security forces were killed while two freedom fighters embraced martyrdom in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir on Monday.

Kashmir Police Chief Vijay Kumar told Reuters that fighters attacked a security checkpoint north of Srinagar in the morning and killed one local policeman and two officers from the paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force.

Two freedom fighters also died in a counter operation by security forces, Kumar said. Monday's total death toll was the third highest in such violence in IIOJK in the past year.

Two policemen were killed in an attack on Friday.

In recent weeks, freedom fighters have also intensified attacks on village council members and other leaders in IIOJK. Five have been shot dead in the past three months, prompting police to move 1,000 village leaders to high-security zones.

Many of those attacked belong to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).


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