Seems like an Indian film-maker has already found his Jack and Rose in Bollywood. Sanjay Gupta, the director of Sanjay Dutt's crime thriller, Kaante, has shared that if the famous Hollywood film were to get a Hindi remake, the perfect choice for the leads would be real-life couple, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
In an interview with Times of India, Gupta was responding to a rapid-fire session where he was asked to choose the actors he would hire for few Hollywood hits remakes in Bollywood. The director chose Ranbir and Alia when it came to cast in the Titanic Hindi remake while he shared that he would rope in John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi in Quentin Tarantino's popular film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Gupta went to add that he would cast Deepika Padukone in Kill Bill and Raveer Singh would portray Joaquin Phoenix amicably in Joker remake.
Interestingly, one of Gupta’s biggest hits Kaante, was inspired by Hollywood film Reservoir Dogs. Speaking about the same, the filmmaker had previously told ETimes, “‘Kaante’ was inspired by ‘Reservoir Dogs’ but Tarantino has himself confessed that it's a much better version than ‘Reservoir Dogs’. To confess one thing, I still haven't seen the whole of ‘Reservoir Dogs’. Every time I used to watch it, I used to get bored as they were just talking and back then they didn't even have subtitles in the film so I never really enjoyed it. But I liked the idea that there are these 6 guys, who come together in a foreign country and they plot a perfect heist which is successful but the undoing becomes when one of them turns out to be a cop.”
On the work front, Sanjay Gupta is all set to resume shoot of his much-awaited gangster drama ‘Mumbai Saga’. Set in 80s and 90s, the gangster drama stars John Abraham, Suniel Shetty, Emraan Hashmi and Gulshan Grover in pivotal roles.
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