UAE warning to Israel

UAE appeared willing to hold back at the oppression of Palestinians while it focused on its national security

Editorial June 14, 2020

The UAE appears to be reaching out to Israel in an attempt to get the Jewish state to walk back its recent decision to annex part of the occupied West Bank. In an op-ed published in Israel’s highest-circulation newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, UAE Ambassador to the US Youssef Al Otaiba wrote Israel cannot expect to normalise relations with the Arab world if it goes ahead with its ‘illegal takeover’ of Palestinian land. “Annexation would certainly and immediately upend all Israeli aspirations for improved security, economic and cultural ties with the Arab world and the UAE,” Al Otaiba wrote.

The public criticism of the move by a high-ranking UAE official has fueled speculation on all sides. Despite the treatment of the Palestinians, Israel has reportedly seen a vast improvement in its ties with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, as they focus on a common enemy in Iran. Warming of relations on all of the fronts listed by Al Otaiba has been hinted at for months, and his mentioning them may serve as confirmation that backroom talks were under way. The UAE appeared willing to hold back at the oppression of Palestinians while it focused on its own national security prerogatives, but the outright theft of Palestinian land seems to be a bridge too far.

Earlier, reports had suggested that Israeli planners felt Iran was enough of a threat to the Emiratis and Saudis to keep them from publically threatening the quiet thaw. It appears those planners misread the situation. Al Otaiba also referenced the recent landing of an Etihad jet carrying humanitarian aid for the Palestinians. The flight was considered a watershed moment in changing opinions among the Arab world about Israel’s openness to talk. “All the progress that you’ve seen and the attitudes that have been changing towards Israel, people becoming more accepting of Israel and less hostile to Israel, all of that could be undermined by a decision to annex,” Al Otaiba told The National, a major UAE newspaper, on the same day the op-ed was published.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 14th, 2020.

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