Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Russia

Cases reach 511,423, death toll rises to 6,715, recoveries top 269,300

Anadolu Agency June 12, 2020
MOSCOW: The number of coronavirus cases in Russia reached 511,423 on Friday, as 8,987 people tested positive over the past 24 hours.

Over the same period, fatalities, caused by Covid-19, increased by 183 taking the death toll to 6,715, the country's emergency team said in a daily report.

Meanwhile, 8,220 more people were successfully treated and discharged from hospitals, bringing total number of recoveries to 269,370, it said.

Coronavirus cases in Russia cross half million

In late May, the Russian government started to lift restrictions inside the country, saying the situation had stabilized and proceeded to economic recovery measures.

On Monday, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin announced a partial opening of the borders for international travel, while Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin lifted the lockdown in the capital.

Since originating in China last December, the pandemic has claimed over 421,500 lives in 188 countries and regions. The US, Brazil and Russia are currently the world’s worst-hit countries.

Over 7.52 million cases have been reported worldwide, while more than 3.54 million patients have recovered so far, according to figures compiled by the US' Johns Hopkins University.


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