The arrested suspects were identified as Badshah Hussain, Yousuf and Ahmed. An amount of Rs2.5 million, weapons and the motorcycle used in the crime were reportedly confiscated from their possession. Another suspect, Saifullah, was previously arrested in an injured condition from Abbasi Shaheed Hospital after being shot by a guard during the robbery.
According to Central SSP Arif Aslam Rao, the faces of Hussain and Saifullah were clearly visible in CCTV footage of the crime, while their accomplices were apprehended based on information they provided.
SSP Rao claimed that the arrested suspects belonged to an “extremely dangerous” criminal group and were involved in injuring and killing citizens during various robberies. The police have extended their investigation in order to find more accomplices of the arrested suspects.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 11th, 2020.
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