5 tricks to help start your workout routine for 2020

Fitness experts reveal some top tips that won't burn you out along the way

News Desk December 29, 2019

It wouldn’t be the start of the new year if didn’t involve resolutions. At the top of the list for many people? Starting (or re-starting) a workout routine. But knowing where or how to actually start can be tough.

Fitness experts weighed in on some top tips to actually kick-start your workout routine.  Beyond simply easing in, there are some tried-and-true methods for implementing a routine that actually sticks and not burning out or hurting yourself along the way.

Here, personal trainers offer their top tips for starting a fitness routine in 2020, the best workouts for beginners, reported InStyle.

Be clear about your goals


Before you get moving, you'll want to make sure you have a firm understanding of what you hope to accomplish with your workout routine, says Justin Seedman, a certified personal trainer and health coach.

"Are you looking to lose weight, firm up, run a marathon — or just start building good health routines?" he said. "By answering these questions, you can best decide what kind of exercise to do and how often to do it."

Stretch it out


A lot of people know stretching is important to a fitness routine, but they don't know the right way to stretch, said Demi Dee, a trainer and founder of The Knockout Room. Before working out, you'll want to do some dynamic stretching, which involves "active movement where you take your body through a full range of motion," such as hip circles, bodyweight lunges, and arm circles, Dee said.

Focus on post work-out recovery


Post-workout, when your muscles are warm, opt for static stretching, which involves holding a stretch for about 30 seconds, Dee said. In addition to easing into exercise and taking the time to stretch, ice baths can also help prevent lactic acid buildup and the muscle soreness that comes with it.

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Splurge on something cute


You dress for other occasions when you want to feel confident, like a night out with friends or an important work event, and the same should go for working out. “Buying cute workout clothes will help you feel good," Nasser said. When you feel good, you’re more likely to want to stick with your workout routine.

Ease into it


If your goal is to start running, then you'll want to take it slow at first, said fitness expert Stephanie Blozy. "In the beginning, it doesn’t matter how far or how fast you go, just that you go," she revealed. "It can take six to 10 weeks for your body to adapt to the work running requires."

Blozy recommended starting with 20 minutes alternating run/walk intervals if necessary, for three days per week. Two additional days should be filled with 30 to 60 minutes of cross-training (e.g. swimming, biking, lifting weights) and the remaining two days should be rest days.

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