In marker-drawn capital letters, the quirky leader wrote, “I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NOTHING. I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO. TELL ZELLINSKY [sic] DO THE RIGHT THING. THIS IS THE FINAL WORD FROM THE U.S,” reported InStyle.
Naturally, social media had a field day with Trump's mysterious notes. "The mental image of Donald Trump scribbling "I WANT NOTHING / I WANT NOTHING" in huge letters on a sheet of paper with a Sharpie so that he won't forget to say "I want nothing" 45 seconds later to a gaggle of reporters is just the most dismal and embarrassing thing and I hate it," one Twitter user ranted.
The mental image of Donald Trump scribbling "I WANT NOTHING / I WANT NOTHING" in huge letters on a sheet of paper with a Sharpie so that he won't forget to say "I want nothing" 45 seconds later to a gaggle of reporters is just the most dismal and embarrassing thing and I hate it
— Albert Burneko (@AlbertBurneko) November 20, 2019
Another took humour out of the perplexing situation by making a story how Trump could've possibly thought to write such strange things on his notepad.
Donald Trump jokes that Melania wouldn't cry if he were shot
" Trump aide: Tell them you want nothing. Trump: I want something? Aide: No, you want nothing. Tell them you want nothing. Trump: Wait, what should I say? Aide: Say, "I want nothing." Trump: I want what again? Aide: Never mind, I'll write it down for you, sir.
Trump aide: Tell them you want nothing.
— Kaili Joy Gray (@KailiJoy) November 20, 2019
Trump: I want something?
Aide: No, you want nothing. Tell them you want nothing.
Trump: Wait, what should I say?
Aide: Say, "I want nothing."
Trump: I want ... what again?
Aide: Never mind, I'll write it down for you ... Sir. pic.twitter.com/hfOjQuWKEY
"In the movie version, Trump is escorted from the courtroom in handcuffs, muttering I WANT NOTHING I WANT NOTHING as camera fades," a social media user mused.
Others are just wondering why the phrase 'I want nothing' is written twice in capital letters. Some sharp-eyed Twitter users were also quick to point out that there is a printed tweet behind his notepad, which adds to the list of unanswered questions.
The Wednesday morning conference with the mysterious note-taking was in reference to Sondland’s claim that Trump did, in fact, withhold military aide from Ukraine under the condition that president Zelensky investigate Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden.
No references from the notepad were taken during the conference.
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