When questioned about a message he would like to give to the younger generation, he spoke about how kids should treat their parents. He started by asking kids to respect their parents and be their support, deeming it to be the most crucial reason behind one’s success.
"If you're going to listen to your parents, everything in your life will turn out alright." added the fighter.

He continued to say that supporting parents is bound to make life easier and the more you connect with your parents, the more things become easier for you in the future. He reasoned his stance by saying that “your parents can tell you what you have to do,” suggesting that they are the sole guide in a tight situation.
He also pointed out how teenagers think they know everything, claiming that 17-year-olds believe they’ve seen the world and begin to preach sense to their supervisors instead of taking their advice.
"When you're 17-years-old, you think you know everything. You feel a little empowered and you forget about how your parents had to look after you when you were 2-years-old." said Khabib.
While pointing out the vulnerability of a baby, he reiterated how the teen years tend to inculcate a sense of entitlement. It makes one feel as if they can take on the world with no regard to statements of older, and more experienced people who brought them up when they were helpless.

He concluded by saying that children need to keep the sacrifices of their parents in mind so that the people who brought them up can also help progress to an even brighter future.
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