The third animated short-film from Shattering the Silence, titled Child Marriage, is told through the eyes of a young girl, and follows the story of Mina, a child who is pulled out of school and married off at a young age.
As the film progresses, we see the physical and mental toll that an early marriage can have on a child bride, and consequently the limited opportunities that lend themselves to women with no proper educational qualifications when marriages don’t work out.
Through resilience, determination and awareness, Mina is ultimately able to turn her life around when she approaches Panah - a shelter that not only takes both Mina and her daughter in but gives her vocational training.
An SOC Films initiative, Shattering the Silence is a 4-part animated series, in Urdu, which aims to critically engage audiences, and children specifically, with real-life stories of child abuse and to educate them with the corresponding laws, the resources which can be accessed and the steps which can be taken if they, or any other children they know of, are forced into situations of marriage, labour, trafficking or physical abuse.
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