In the pictures, the Bajirao Mastani actor can be seen in prosthetics, donning a shalwar suit and henna on her hands. Vikrant along with Meghna and Deepika are smiling and posing for the camera. "And we wrapped Chhapaak. Malti and Amol I will carry you with me. Thank you for your faith and for pouring yourself into our film!" Meghna captioned the pictures.
Earlier in March, the Padmaavat actor had shared her first look from the film where she looked absolutely unrecognisable. Calling Chhapaak the most precious film of her career, Deepika wrote, "And it's a wrap on the most precious film of my career. See you all at the movies!” Several B-town celebs also showed their curiosity over the film by commenting on the post of the film-maker.
Richa Chadha who was last seen in Daas Dev commented, "It's just amazing. Can't wait!" Shankar Mahadevan commented by posting the heart emoji. Vikrant wrote a small thank you message. "You are the light. Thank you for leading us and guiding us through. This will be cherished forever," he commented.
The 33-year-old actor essays the role of Malti, who at the age of 15, was attacked allegedly by a spurned lover in 2005. Malti had to undergo several surgeries.
Later, she took up the job of helping acid attack survivors and promoted campaigns to stop such attacks. Her attacker, a 32-year old man, was an acquaintance of her family. Agarwal is a well-known advocate of stricter punishments in acid attack cases. The film helmed by Meghna has been co-produced by Deepika and Fox Star Studios.
Deepika was last seen on the big screen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Padmaavat. Meanwhile, Vikrant last appeared in the web series Broken but Beautiful, where he played the role of a heartbroken husband who lost the love of his life in a car accident. Chhapaak is slated to hit theatres on January 10, 2020.
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