The first ever standalone season of the series, titled Narcos: Mexico, tells a tale of Michael Peña and Diego Luna closing in on a drug war against the Guadalajara cartel leader. The latter is shown to be attempting to construct the biggest marijuana empire in South America.
If you are a Narcos fan and are looking forward to the show, here's how critics around the world have liked the latest offering. They weren't impressed at all.
According to The Independent, "Where the first three seasons commanded the utmost attention, Narcos: Mexico tells its story with as much flair as a history book."
The review further read, "As ever, the series interweaves drama with narration and actual archival footage, a flourish which once infused episodes with a rip-roaring vim not dissimilar to a gangster epic directed by Scorsese. There’s no such fun to be had this time around."
Rating: 2/5 stars.
Review of The Guardian lauds the show for it being appealing to the audience.
"Narcos: Mexico also knows which more conventional set pieces will bring viewers the guilty rush we crave," it read. "But despite the meaty 10-hour running time, there’s none of the bloated complacency that dogs so many streaming dramas. Those dull moments are rare. The old tale can bear another retelling, especially when it’s as rich, nuanced and shamelessly fun as this."
Rating: 4/5 stars.
According to The Telegraph, Netflix's recent offering is nail-biting, if nothing else. "The faces may have changed but Narcos’s infectious swagger and commitment to breaking down a complex story to pulpy first principles have endured," the review read.
"Thus, the viewer may learn a few things about the war on drugs or they may not. Either way, they will be on the edge of the sofa throughout as Netflix delivers a fast-paced consignment of thrills, spills and chills."
Rating: 4/5 stars.
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