Spain renews support for Pak

Aamir Ilyas Rana June 02, 2010

MADRID: Spanish Prime Minister Jose’ Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said that his country fully supports Pakistan in its fight against extremism and terrorism.

Appearing at a joint news conference with his Pakistani counterpart Yousaf Raza Gilani at the Mocloa Palace on Wednesday, Zapatero said his country wanted to enhance bilateral trade with Pakistan. He said Spain and the European Union believe political stability is essential for stability in the region.

“You can count on the EU and Spain for Pakistan’s stability,” Zapatero said. “Spain is committed to cooperating with Pakistan in the fight against terrorism through enhanced exchanges between political and intelligence services so as to get rid of this scourge.

“Pakistan is the key country for stability in Afghanistan and to help cut down radical terrorism,” premier Zapatero said.

On his part, Prime Minister Gilani said the two countries were victims of terrorism and needed to forge closer cooperation in fighting this menace.

Earlier, the two leaders witnessed the signing of a Framework of Cooperation on Developing Comprehensive Partnership and Avoidance of Double Taxation. By signing this agreement, Gilani said, the two sides have ushered in a new era of cooperative ties between them.

The framework covers diverse fields, including trade and finance, science and technology, defence and security and people-to-people contacts. Asked about the retrial of the Pakistanis arrested in the Madrid bombing, Prime Minister Zapatero said these trials abide by all standards of rights and justice and the rule of law.

Earlier in their talks, the two leaders exchanged views on bilateral, regional and global issues. Prime Minister Gilani appreciated the initiative of “The Alliance of Civilisations” proposed by his Spanish counterpart at the 59th UN General Assembly meeting in 2005.

He said the initiative seeks to galvanize international action against extremism through forging of international, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue and cooperation, with particular emphasis on defusing tensions between the West and the Islamic world.

In the context of Pakistan’s relations with India, Gilani informed his counterpart about his meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Bhutan on April 29 and the initiation of the dialogue process.

He also spoke of the forthcoming 2nd Pak-EU Summit and hoped it would help raise awareness in the EU about challenges faced by Pakistan and to further strengthen political and economic ties with the EU.

Published in the Express Tribune, June 3rd, 2010.


Faraz Akbar | 14 years ago | Reply I don't see the point of Mr. Gilani visiting Spain, a country ridden with mounting debt and massive unemployment. I mean what possible help could Spain give us? Soldiers? NO. Money? An emphatic NO. Military technology? We already get it from America & I seriously doubt that Spain's military assistance would make the slightest of difference. And who the hell came up with this comically named "Framework of Cooperation on Developing Comprehensive Partnership and Avoidance of Double Taxation", and what does it mean by the way? "The framework covers diverse fields, including trade and finance, science and technology, defence and security and people-to-people contacts."...yeah, you bet. It would've been better if Mr. Gilani had just asked PM Zapatero to urge the Spanish Football Federation to move the timings for La Liga matches a bit forward so that we here in Pakistan could easily watch & enjoy our Real Madrids and Barcelonas on the telly without staying up till mid-night.
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