I am a terrorist – and so are you (III)

Sakib Ahmad June 02, 2010

LONDON: People like Naveen Naqvi are interested only in winning kudos from the Americans and the British. These fake humanists shed crocodile tears and write stirring articles against “terrorism” and in favour of the USA’s “war on terror” just so they can bask in the glow of warm words from their foreign readers.

If they really cared for their fellow Pakistanis they would be writing in the Urdu press and raising awareness of the ignorant masses.

Published in the Express Tribune, June 3rd, 2010.


Abulfazl Mahmud | 14 years ago | Reply I agree with Faraz. But luckily we are witnessing a change for the better. At long last we have the first Urdu "sane" daily newspaper with the name of Aj Kal being published from Lahore and Karachi.
Mamoon Khan | 14 years ago | Reply You are better off sending subliminal messages through Roman Urdu SMS messaging system, the newspaper readership (for Urdu and English) in Pakistan (with an approximate population of 178 million) is negligible.
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